• Enchantment Meeting Speaker: Judi See, Applying the Human Readiness Level (HRL) Scale in the SE Process

  • San Diego Chapter Presents Lessons Learned as a Systems Engineer

  • SEP Exam Preparation Online Training Overview

  • Enchantment Meeting Speaker: Marc Levinson, Global Logistics from a System Perspective

  • INCOSE-LA Chapter Speaker Meeting: Project Huddle Overview and MBSE Tool Integration

  • San Diego Chapter Presents Southern California Edison’s Vision for Reimagining the Grid

  • INCOSE-LA Chapter Tutorial: Future-Proofing Your Systems Engineering Skills

  • Enchantment Meeting Speaker: David Rousseau, Framework for Understanding SE Principles and Heuristics

  • INCOSE-LA Chapter Speaker Meeting: Future-Proofing Systems Engineering Skills

  • Enchantment Meeting Speaker: Arno Granados, Ideas in Conjunction: Antagonistic Systems Engineering and Digital Transformation

  • INCOSE-LA Chapter Speaker Meeting: INCOSE 2022 International Workshop Review

  • Enchantment Meeting Speaker: David Long - The Six V's and Three T's of Systems Engineering

  • INCOSE-LA Chapter Annual Town Hall Meeting

  • Enchantment Meeting Speaker: Zane Scott - Putting Soft Skills to Work

  • Enchantment Meeting Speaker: Jennifer Russell - Smart Cities Initiative

  • LA Chapter Virtual Speaker Meeting - Systems Engineering approach to Technology Maturation using TRL, IRL and MRL Standards

  • PMIRGC Books and Beyond Forum: Motivation, Influence and Fulfillment

  • Enchantment Meeting Speaker: Jim Armstrong - Systems Engineering Evidence in Commercial Kitchens

  • INCOSE-LA Chapter Speaker Meeting: Verification and Validation of Practice Questions for INCOSE Knowledge Exam

  • INCOSE-LA Chapter Tutorial: Negotiation, Persuasion and Conflict Management for Systems Engineers

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