What is the Academic Council (AC)?
The AC is the “Voice of the Academic Community” for INCOSE.
Involvement in the AC is expected to be altruistic and not transactional. Academic Council member organizations do not receive specific benefits for their service.
Can I become a member of the Academic Council?
The following individuals may apply for membership to the AC:
Membership to INCOSE is not a requirement to be a member of the AC for the first 3 years of service in the AC.
(Note that membership of the AC must comply with the requirements of the INCOSE Countries of Concern chart.)
What are the expectations for members of the Academic Council?
The AC meets physically or virtually at least twice annually in conjunction with INCOSE’s International Symposium and International Workshop. The AC may hold additional virtual meetings at the request of the AC Chair. Physical and virtual meetings of the AC will generally be open to all interested parties attending the International Workshop and International Symposium. However, at their discretion, the AC Chair may establish an AC executive session restricted to members only.
What if I have questions?