
Advance Your Career: Navigate Your Path with INCOSE's Career Compass 

The Career Compass is your guide to maximizing your INCOSE membership and navigating the array of resources and opportunities available to you.  From professional development to networking, certification, and volunteerism, we've got you covered.

Navigate your career path by leveraging your INCOSE membership:

  • Professional Development Portal: View a wide range of online courses, webinars, and workshops to enhance your systems engineering skills. 
  • Library: Access the vast collection of technical papers, case studies, guides, and models to stay current on the latest industry best practices.
  • Systems Engineering Professional (SEP) Certification: validate your expertise and elevate your career with INCOSE certifications.
  • SETDB: Utilize the one-stop resource for identifying the best software tools and cloud services that align with your specific needs.
  • Volunteer Opportunities Board: Give back to the systems engineering community and gain valuable leadership experience to add to your resume.
  • Events: Attend conferences, workshops, and symposia to network with peers and learn from industry experts.
  • Communities: Join like-minded professionals in specialized interest groups or regional chapters to share knowledge and collaborate on projects.

Your path to professional excellence starts here!


Not a member? Join INCOSE to gain access to all of the career resources listed above.


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Are you SEP Certified?  Certification is for everyone whether are beginning your career as a systems engineering, 5+ year experience or 25+ years.  Each are recognized internationally.


What is SEP Certification?

Systems Engineering Professional (SEP) certification formally recognizes your progress through your career as you develop and apply systems engineering knowledge and practices.  INCOSE offer three levels of certification ASEP, CSEP and ESEP. 
Certification is a formal process whereby a community of knowledgeable, experienced, and skilled representatives of an organization, such as INCOSE, provides confirmation of an individual's competency (demonstrated knowledge and experience) in a specified profession. Certification differs from licensing in that licenses are permissions granted by a government entity for a person to practice within its regulatory boundaries. Certification also differs from a "certificate" that documents the successful completion of a training or education program. 
Learn More Here

INCOSE is excited to announce the launch of the new Career Center, a new online platform designed to connect talented professionals with exciting career opportunities in the systems engineering field. 

For Employers 

The Career Center offers a unique opportunity to showcase your company and advertise your open positions to a highly qualified audience already connected to the voice of authority in systems engineering.  

You can post job positions in the database and even purchase spotlight advertisements to ensure your opening is highlighted. 

For Job Seekers 

The Career Center is your one-stop shop for finding the latest job openings, including postings from organizations on INCOSE’s Corporate Advisory Board. In addition to being able to browse job postings tailored to your skills and experience, you can also get: 

  • Resume and cover letter writing assistance 
  • Interviewing tips and advice 
  • Industry outlook and wage information 
  • Personalized guidance from a certified career coach 

Job Board

The PDP is a comprehensive solution for Systems Engineers and other professionals who want to enhance their systems engineering knowledge and skills.  Everyone will be able to use it, but INCOSE members and CAB Associates will have access to features that non-members don’t, including online courses, textbooks, articles, and videos.

INCOSE Mentoring Service


Mentors: Help build the future of systems engineering

Mentees: Help secure the future of systems engineering

*This service is only available to INCOSE members, CAB Associates & Non-Member must join to participate*


INCOSE Library

(Formerly the Papers & Presentations Library)

The Library is a search engine for presentations from INCOSE conferences. This includes our annual symposia since 2010. For your convenience links to the corresponding paper(s) on the Wiley website are provided if available.

The materials presented here are the professional opinions of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of INCOSE. Use of these presentations and papers are limited by the author’s copyright. Contact information for the authors is usually found in the presentation or paper.

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