• Los Angeles Chapter Virtual Speaker Mtg: Conflict, Listening and Negotiation in the Systems Engineering Workplace

  • INCOSE-LA Chapter Speaker Meeting: Conflict, Listening and Negotiation in the Systems Engineering Workplace

  • Enchantment Meeting Speaker: Brian Kennedy - Leveraging Set-Based Practices to Enable Efficient Concurrency in Large Systems and Systems-of-Systems Engineering

  • TUTORIAL: William D. Miller - Verification and Validation of Complex Systems: A Holistic, Model-Based Approach

  • Enchantment Meeting Speaker: Pat Foley - WBS Integration with an Effective Schedule

  • INCOSE-LA Chapter Speaker Meeting: Help! My requirements are a Hot Mess! New INCOSE Guides Can Help

  • INCOSE Enchantment Chapter No-Host Social @ Steel Bender Brewyard

  • INCOSE-LA Chapter Speaker Meeting: Swarm Decision Making Natural Systems Working Group

  • PMIRGC: Noontime Knowledge - Integrating Project Management and Systems Engineering Practices with no Tripping Hazards, Ann Hodges

  • PMIRGC: Books and Beyond Forum - Loonshots: How to Nurture the Crazy Ideas That Win Wars, Cure Diseases, and Transform Industries, Safi Bahcall

  • INCOSE-LA Chapter Tutorial: Correcting Misperceptions of Systems Engineering Practices

  • Enchantment Meeting Speaker: Paul Davies - Interface Management, The Neglected Orphan of Systems Engineering

  • PMIRGC: Bite-Sized Learning - My PM Career Development Journey, Shannon Boynton

  • INCOSE-LA Chapter Speaker Meeting: Using Architecture and MBSE to Develop Validated Requirements

  • 2021 SEP Certification Cohorts Sessions (offered by the LA and SD chapters)

  • INCOSE-LA Q2 2021 Strategic Planning Meeting

  • Enchantment Meeting Speaker: Dr. Cheryl Bolstad - Human Systems Integration and Its Role in Systems Engineering

  • INCOSE-LA Chapter Speaker Meeting: Systems Engineering at the Hello – Systems Engineering in Early Stage R&D Working Group

  • 2021 Virtual Spring Social Event - Kahoot!

  • Enchantment Meeting Speaker: Raymond Wolfgang – INCOSE's Guide to Verification and Validation: Context, Progress, and Content

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