• TUTORIAL: William D. Miller - Verification and Validation of Complex Systems: A Holistic, Model-Based Approach

  • Systems Exchange Café: Oak Café

  • Finger Lakes Chapter Annual Meeting

    In-person: 12:30 - 3:15 pm (eastern) Virtual: 1:45 - 3:15 pm (eastern)

  • INCOSE/GfSE Webinar 1: RCDA Agile Architecture: making big engineering decisions with agile teams

    Eltjo Poort will share his experiences speeding up the architecture cycle in various organizations, based on the Risk and Cost Driven Architecture approach (RCDA).

  • Enchantment Meeting Speaker: Brian Kennedy - Leveraging Set-Based Practices to Enable Efficient Concurrency in Large Systems and Systems-of-Systems Engineering

  • Webinar 153: INCOSE President-Elect Candidates Present their Position Statements

    Do you have questions, on how to develop, manage, and verify requirements for your technical project? Several new guides from INCOSE, from the Requirements Working Group - will help! After this presentation you will know where to get the answers to your needs and requirements questions: needs identification and elicitation, requirements authorship, development, V&V, and requirements management questions.

  • Wasatch Chapter Meeting @ Weber State University -- The Principle Driven Development (PDD) ‘Open-Windows’ Tool by Howard Cooper

    For our September meeting, the INCOSE Wasatch chapter will meet at Weber State University in Ogden! We invite you to join us as Howard Cooper discusses "How to predict, forecast and develop the next ‘big thing,’ customers will adopt and embrace, before the competition does, using the Principle Driven Development (PDD) ‘Open-Windows’ tool".

  • Systems Exchange Café: Maple Café

  • Agile Systems Work Group Presentation: Decision Guidance Tools for Tailoring Agile SE Methods

  • INCOSE-LA Chapter Speaker Meeting: Conflict, Listening and Negotiation in the Systems Engineering Workplace

  • Los Angeles Chapter Virtual Speaker Mtg: Conflict, Listening and Negotiation in the Systems Engineering Workplace

  • Webinar 154: Agile Systems Engineering Life Cycle Model

    This webinar will explore the management implications of the circular agile SE life cycle model, with an emphasis on the critical roles and natures of situational awareness and knowledge management.

  • Chesapeake Chapter Lecture: The Invisible Matters: How PM & SE Teamed to Build the world's Largest IceCube

  • Systems Exchange Café: Oak Café

  • 2021 Annual INCOSE Western States Regional Conference (WSRC)

    The San Diego Chapter and the WSRC Program Committee invite you to attend, and are now accepting paper submissions through 25 April. Come Sail the Digital Wave with us in person, conditions permitting, or virtually if we must.

  • Technology Transfer Across Public and Private Sector

  • Atlanta Chapter September 2021 Meeting - "A Synopsis of the INCOSE 2021 International Symposium”

    Join the Atlanta chapter for its first chapter meeting since the end of the spring on Thursday September 23, 2021! Chapter President Dave Takacs will present a synopsis of the 31st INCOSE International Symposium, which was held virtually between July 17 and July 22, 2021.

  • Systems Exchange Café: Maple Café

  • INCOSE-LA Chapter Tutorial: Negotiation, Persuasion and Conflict Management for Systems Engineers

  • IWCE 2021: Connecting Critical Communications

    INCOSE will be hosting a booth at the International Wireless Communication Expo (IWCE) in Las Vegas Sept 29-30, 2021

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