• Systems Exchange Café: Oak Café

  • INCOSE/GfSE Webinar 2: SpesML - SysML Workbench for the SPES Methodology

    Dr. Maximilian Junker and Dr. Wolfgang Böhm will discuss project "SysML Workbench for the SPES Methodology" (SpesML), funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as ways for a successful implementation of the MBSE methodology in industry.

  • NAFEMS Webinar: Keeping a Large Enterprise Engaged in the Journey from "Test Centered" to a "Simulation-Led" Product/Process Development

    NAFEMS Webinar on leveraging simulation in system development at Caterpillar Inc.

  • Social Systems Working Group: Circular Economy Forum 2021

  • Agile MMSE Lunch and Learn Series with Bruce Powel Douglass, Ph.D.

  • Systems Exchange Café: Maple Café

  • Chesapeake Chapter Webinar: Understanding the INCOSE Certification Process

  • INCOSE-LA Chapter Speaker Meeting: Verification and Validation of Practice Questions for INCOSE Knowledge Exam

  • Systems Exchange Café: Oak Café

  • Central Virginia Chapter Dinner and Presentation - October 13, 2021

    CVA INCOSE cordially invites you to attend a dinner and presentation by: David Maurer, LTC, US Army (retired) Topic: The Cuban Missile Crisis 1962; In Extremis Project Management

  • Enchantment Meeting Speaker: Jim Armstrong - Systems Engineering Evidence in Commercial Kitchens

  • INCOSE WMA Chapter Meeting Wednesday 13 October 2021

    On behalf of the INCOSE WMA chapter, we would like to invite you to join us on October 13, 2021 to indulge in a presentation and conversation with our esteemed presenter Dr. Tina P. Srivastava on the topic of “Tensions and Opportunities: Program Management and Systems Engineering”

  • Webinar 155: BAE Systems Digital Engineering Journey

    This webinar will provide some details of our Enterprise Digital Engineering Vision, several of our DE / MBSE Best Practice “Exemplars,” and our DE Workforce & Culture. There will be a time for Q&A, and contact information for follow-on discussions will be provided.

  • Chesapeake Chapter Virtual Event: The Case for Control Systems Cybersecurity Capability

  • Webinar: Introduction to Model-Based System Engineering (MBSE) and its adoption roadmap

  • Symposium on Artificial Intelligence – Machine Learning in Safety Critical Systems

  • Systems Thinking in a Digital World: The Models are NOT the Engineering

  • Symposium on Artificial Intelligence – Machine Learning in Safety Critical Systems

    INCOSE India, in collaboration with IEEE Systems Council Bangalore Chapter and Aeronautical Society of India, is organizing this virtual symposium to bring together experts from multiple sectors such as aerospace and automotive, to share their research findings and experiences on various challenges pertaining to adoption of AI-ML in safety critical systems.

  • INCOSE Finger Lakes Chapter - Oct Meeting: Resilient Systems Working Group Mini-presentation and Stephane Lacrampe, Obeo Canada Director, presenting "Improving MBSE Maturity with the Open-Source Tool Capella"

    Resilient Systems Working Group Mini-presentation and Stephane Lacrampe, Obeo Canada Director, presenting "Improving MBSE Maturity with the Open-Source Tool Capella" - MBSE aims at transitioning the Systems Engineering practice from a document-centric approach to a model-centric approach. It is envisioned to be the next shift enhancing significantly our systems engineering capacities, in order to cope with the steadily growing systems' complexity. Although MBSE has been a trending topic over the last few years, its adoption among systems engineers is still growing slowly. In this presentation, Stephane Lacrampe will introduce some of the challenges in MBSE adoption and will explain how the Arcadia method and the Capella tool are enablers for accelerating MBSE adoption among the systems engineering community. There is no charge to attend but attendees must pre-register by contacting [email protected]. Attendees will receive the zoom link via email a few days before the meeting.

  • 2021 INCOSE New England 3rd Annual Fall Workshop (Virtual!)

    INCOSE New England chapter will be hosting their 3rd annual fall workshop on October 22nd and 23rd, 2021

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