• Meeting Speaker Randall Anway, AIA - Bioinspiration for Future Systems Engineering and Architecture

  • Third Annual Texas Gulf Coast Chapter Systems Engineering 2019 Conference

    Third Annual Texas Gulf Coast Chapter Systems Engineering 2019 Conference

  • INCOSE-MGC Online CSEP Review Session 9

  • EMEA Workshop 2019 in Utrecht, Netherlands

    EMEA 2019 Workshop

  • Wasatch Chapter Meeting -- Mark Sampson -- Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE)

    Come join us for dinner, networking, and a presentation by Mark Sampson, from Siemens and Chair - INCOSE Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) Initiative, about Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE). Remote attendance is available. RSVP today!

  • Atlanta October 2019 Meeting - "The First Steamship in History"

    On October 15, 2019, the Atlanta chapter will come together for a somewhat unique meeting John Laurence Busch will intrigue us with a talk on the “The First Steamship in History” and how it applies to current Systems Engineering. We hope to see all of our members at the meeting!

  • Systems Engineering Challenge for NASA

  • Webinar 132: Fostering MBSE in the Corporate Engineering Culture: The Thales Story

    This webinar retraces this story and describes its major steps, each coming with their own little successes and challenges. More than just telling the story of the method and the tool, it also describes the organizational aspects of this huge transformation of engineering practices: strategy, governance, support, coaching, communication, etc.

  • AOSEC 2019 at Bangalore, India

    INCOSE India chapter will host AOSEC 2019 at Bangalore India. SAEINDIA Bangalore Section is partnering as co-host for this event. AOSEC will be held at Bangalore on 17-18 October 2019.

  • Asia-Oceania Systems Engineering Conference 2019 - Call for Papers

    AOSEC 2019

  • INCOSE Free SE Training Webinars

    SE Training Webinar

  • INCOSE-MGC Online CSEP Review Session 10

  • Orlando Chapter Meeting - Planning Now For Future Transportation Needs

  • The Southern New Jersey Professional Societies Monthly Dinner Meeting - Oct 23

  • INCOSE-MGC Online CSEP Review Session 11

  • INCOSE Midwest Gateway social event

  • INCOSE-MGC Online CSEP Review Session 12

  • INCOSE-MGC Online CSEP Review Session 13

  • Annual General Membership Meeting Colorado Front Range - 7 NOV 2019

    Please join us for an informal/end of year meeting. We will recap this year's events and talk about next year's plans

  • INCOSE Artificial Intelligence for Systems Engineering (AI4SE) Workshop

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