• Meeting Speaker: Dr. Ali Raz - A Definition Abstraction and Implementation (DAI) Process for System-of-Systems Engineering

  • Wasatch Chapter Meeting @ Weber State University -- INCOSE Vision 2025, Presented by Vince Johnston

    For our February meeting, the INCOSE Wasatch chapter will meet at Weber State University in Ogden! We invite you to join us as we discuss INCOSE Vision 2025, with a focus on the current and future states of systems engineering. Faculty, administrators, and students will be present at the meeting. This will be a great opportunity to impact the future of systems engineering for current professionals and aspiring students.

  • C-NO Chapter Meeting - February 2020 (To Be Rescheduled)

    Save the Date: C-NO Annual General Meeting and 2020 IW Recap

  • American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Engineering Week Distinguished Lecture (INCOSE Wasatch Chapter)

    Attend the annual AIAA Engineering Week Distinguished Lecture. Dr. Paul Bevilaqua, from Lockheed Martin, will discuss Vertical Take Off and Landing aircraft.

  • Webinar 134: 21st Century Systems Engineering

    Want to learn how to perform 21st Century systems engineering faster, better, and cheaper?

  • What do MBSE and Barbeque have in common? Colorado Front Range Chapter Event

    About Our Speaker: Casey Medina is a dynamic speaker and owns Studio SE, a Systems Engineering training and consulting firm located in the Denver area. He has extensive experience deploying and training Model-Based Systems Engineering across industries and has adapted MBSE tools and techniques to analyze social and natural systems. Casey brings practical experience to his training programs. He holds multiple patents in the medical device industry and has been invited as a guest lecturer at the University of Denver, Dublin City University, and the University of Colorado.

  • INCOSE Finger Lakes Chapter Meeting: February 20, 2020

  • Orlando Chapter Meeting - IoT Disruption Demands Innovations in CAV Transportation Technology

  • February 2020 Chapter Meeting

  • INCOSE-LA Q1 2020 Strategic Planning Meeting (Date Change)

  • Utah Engineers Council (UEC) -- 2020 Awards Banquet (INCOSE Wasatch Chapter Sponsorship)

    Purchase your tickets for the UEC 2020 Awards Banquet! See details about the keynote speaker, awards, scholarships, food, and networking!

  • HRA Virginia USA Peninsula Engineer Council Banquet Feb 23, 2020

  • Evolution of Mobility Systems

  • Atlanta February 2020 Meeting - “An Introduction to System Dynamics for Policy Analysis”

  • INCOSE Michigan Chapter SysML Training Day

  • INCOSE-LA Chapter Speaker Meeting - “Look! Gorillas are Doing Ballet- an Agile Transformation Story (Navy)” with Cindy VanEpps and Bryan Smith

  • INCOSE Enchantment Chapter Winter Social 2020 @ Gruet Winery

  • Wasatch Chapter Meeting -- Louise Mudd, PE -- "Measurement Techniques to Ensure Appropriate Process Maturity"

    Come join us for dinner, networking, and featured presentation by Louise Mudd about different measurement techniques to ensure appropriate process maturity.

  • Tidewater Science and Engineering Fair

  • POSTPONED: Conference on Systems Engineering Research (CSER) 2020

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