INCOSE Canada Student's Competition



Are you:
  • A Canadian University student working on a group capstone project or thesis?
  • A student group or design team?
Then take part in the INCOSE Canada's student competition!

We will:
  • Connect you with systems engineering mentors who may help you on your journey
  • Offer the following prizes which may be used to offset part of the cost of your project, or used to attend conferences to present your work (and add to your CV!)
Team Submissions
First PlaceSecond PlaceThird Place
$3 000 CAD$1 500 CADFree INCOSE Registration


Competition Format

INCOSE Canada will organize 3 online events to support selected teams in applying Systems Engineering to their projects:

  • Onboarding Session and Intro to Systems Engineering: Nov 2025
  • Mentorship Session 1: Dec 2025
  • Mentorship Session 2: Feb 2026

Teams will be asked to submit a 2-page narrative summary highlighting a specific example of their approach to adopting systems engineering for their project, and lessons you learned from their experience.
A tentative rubric is provided. The final rubric will be provided later to successful applicants.
The selection committee will select awardees based on their performance on the narrative summary.

Eligibility Criteria

To take part in the competition, your team needs to meet all the requirements below:

  • Affiliation with a Canadian Post-secondary institution.
  • Work as a group (more than one person) on a project that uses or related to Systems Engineering tools and knowledge. Eligible projects include but are not limited to:
    • National or international competitions
    • Design projects
    • Capstone projects
    • Thesis projects
  • Project should be supervised by a Faculty Member or the Team should have a Faculty advisor.



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