Overview of our 2023-2024 Activities

In-person meet-up in Toronto Area - Saturday, November 23, 2024, 1:30 pm PST

After successfully hosting one of the first INCOSE Canada Chapter meetings in Toronto, we are excited to announce that INCOSE Canada Chapter is hosting the second in-person meet-up in Toronto. Registration is required to join this event, and a light refreshment will be provided.

  • Date: Saturday, November 23, 2024, 1:30 pm PST.
  • Location:  Leslie St, Toronto, ON M2H 1J8, Canada (Map)

The purpose of this event is to provide the INCOSE Canada Chapter members in the Toronto Area an opportunity to meet-up, mingle with each other, and discuss various Systems Engineering topics. The agenda of this event is:

  • Welcome and Reception (1:30 - 2:00 PM): Start with a casual networking session with light refreshments, allowing attendees to mingle. Attendees will have the opportunity to introduce themselves and provide a brief background.
  • Opening Remarks (2:00 - 2:10 PM): A brief welcome by a representative from INCOSE Canada, highlighting the purpose and goals of the event.
  • Guest Speaker Presentation (2:10 - 2:30 PM): Presentation on Integrating System Dynamics and SysML by guest speaker Ivan Taylor, President at Policy Dynamics Inc.
  • Group Discussion and Networking (2:30 - 3:30 PM): Casual networking session among SE professionals in the Toronto area.

As the number of seats is limited, please register via the link below to save your spot. For in-person attendees, please email us if you have any dietary restrictions ([email protected]).

For the online attendees, the meeting invite will be emailed after registration with further information about the start time and duration of the online part

INCOSE CANADA Chapter Elections -

2024 Nominees

Arman Nikk

Arman-NikkhahBio: Arman Nikkhah (M.A.Sc., P.Eng., CSEP) has been practicing systems engineering since 2014, gaining extensive experience in systems design, requirements management, interface and integration, and Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE). He brings extensive expertise in a broad spectrum of systems engineering and safety standards, including ISO 22166-1, ANSI/RIA R15.08-1, ISO 26262-3, ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010, and ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288. Arman has contributed to the implementation of systems engineering and MBSE across diverse domains, including Robotics and Automotive Systems, Biomedical and Healthcare Systems, Infrastructure Systems, and Transportation Systems. After serving as Communications Director for the INCOSE Canada Chapter in 2023-2024, where he initiated the first Canada Chapter newsletter, contributed in hosting in-person workshops in Toronto and Vancouver, and helped the chapter earn the Silver Award for the 2024 INCOSE Chapter Circle Award, Arman is now stepping up to run for the Vice-President position with a mission to achieve the Gold Award for the Canada Chapter in the 2025 INCOSE Chapter Circle Award for the first time.

Running for: Vice-President

Anup Suresh

Anup_SureshBio: Anup Suresh is an accomplished Professional Engineer and Project Management Professional with a proven track record in the rail & transit, and aerospace industries. He has a decade of experience in Systems Engineering, design, construction, and project management. Certified as an ASEP since 2018, he is committed to advancing systems thinking and the successful realization of complex systems. Anup has previously mentored aspiring engineers and served as the communications lead for the Emerging Professionals Network at his former organization. As Vice President or Technical Program Director, his vision is to foster a collaborative environment that encourages knowledge sharing and professional growth, driving forward the mission of INCOSE Canada.

Running for: Vice-President & Technical Program Director

Ivan Rodrigues

IvanRodrigesBio: Ivan Rodrigues (P.Eng., CSEP) has been a member of INCOSE since 1997 and a CSEP since 2007. He has attended several INCOSE Annual International Symposiums and previously served as a SEP assessor. He has fulfilled various product development roles in the Defence, Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), and Cellular Communications industries, spanning the full V-model from use cases and requirements elicitation, through requirements derivation and analysis, to systems level architectural design, integration, and V&V. Further to his Mechanical Engineering degree, Ivan has completed graduate studies in Electrical Engineering as well as the MIT xPRO Architecture and Systems Engineering certificate program. He is currently the Senior Manager of Systems Engineering within Hexagon’s Autonomy & Positioning Division, where he and his team have developed world-class, IATF 16949, ISO/IEC 15288, ISO 26262 and ASPICE compliant SE processes, tools, best-practices, and an effective SE community of practice (SECoP).

Running for: Technical Program Director

Blair MacDonald

Blair_MacDonaldBio: Hello, I am Blair MacDonald, an 18-year veteran of the Royal Canadian Navy. I served as a Naval Combat Systems Engineer. Currently, I am a public servant with the Department of National Defence.
As a member of the PMO River Class Destroyer Team, I am instrumental in developing requirements, performance modeling, tailoring ISO Standard 15288, and implementing Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE). I am passionate about increasing the number of systems engineers within the Royal Canadian Navy, public service, industry, and universities.
To formalize my understanding, I joined INCOSE in 2023. As a strong advocate for systems engineering, I am committed to assisting the Chapter’s President in growing the Canadian Chapter’s membership. Together, we can benefit from diverse perspectives in this vital discipline.

Running for: Membership Director

Ivan Taylor

Ivan TaylorBio: As President and Senior Researcher at Policy Dynamics Inc., established in 2001, I have a Master's degree in Information and Systems Science and a Ph.D. in Public Policy. I have peer-reviewed for the Social Systems Issue of INSIGHT Magazine, and the INCOSE International Symposium. I have provided several presentations at INCOSE's International Workshop, Social Systems, and Resilient Systems Working Groups.

Running for: Treasurer & Membership Director

Pengzhou Lu

Pengzhou-LuBio: I graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering and a Master's degree in Control System at University of Toronto. I set up my career as a system design engineer in the industry of railway signaling. Specifically, I have been working as a systems engineer since 2018. As an enthusiast of systems design and processes, I'd like to contribute and volunteer to the events of INCOSE Canada Chapter to support people to learn systems engineering and to improve the process for anyone who is interested to be certified as SEPs.

Running for: Secretary

Arnaud Royer

arnaud_royerBio: Working in system engineering since my graduation as an engineer (in France), I've been travelling the world to deploy railway systems in various challenging environments. As a system designer and functional architect for several industry leaders, as an evaluator assessing compliance of safety-related signaling for train control systems, and now working with the biggest metro operator in Canada, I have seen different aspects and visions of system engineering. Daily, I see the value it adds to our companies and to society when we can understand, think and design systems as a whole.

Understanding the new vision of INCOSE to develop among the French community, I am willing to help build the bridge that will enable engagement and inclusive growth in the INCOSE organization. My vision is to develop resources that would help reach the French community, starting with a French version of the website and, in the future, the possibility to have French exams.
I am enthusiastic about this opportunity to make a meaningful impact, and I am confident that, together, we can empower more francophone individuals to join and contribute to our mission.

Running for: French Language Outreach Director

Qifang Wang

Qifang_WANGBio: Qifang Wang graduated from INSA Toulouse, France where she majored in Mechanical Engineering and System Engineering. She later pursued with an Advanced Master of System Engineering in ISAE-Supareo, France where she got her ASEP certificate and became an INCOSE member.
Always been passionate by MBSE, she started her career as MBSE consultant in France before moving to Montreal, Canada, where she joined Alstom Transportation (the French mobility solution provider), first as Functional Architect then the central MBSE Key User, and later Method and Tool Referent, in charge of developing and deploying the MBSE methodology for rolling stock functional architecture design throughout the company.
She is motivated to help shaping the future of INCOSE Canada, especially for French language and Academic topics.

Running for: French Language Outreach Director & Academic Outreach Director

Ali Nasseri

Ali_NasseriBio: Bringing my past experiences in organizing the Space Generation Congress and two symposia at the International Astronautical Congress, I aim to bring lessons learned and best practices from these international events to the INCOSE International Symposium. I also see this as a great opportunity for the INCOSE Canada chapter to grow its membership, and build new links with local organizations that can help grow the technical activities being planned. This will be the secondary goal of my application: helping build new relationships that can help grow the technical activities of the Chapter.

Running for: International Symposium Chapter Representative

Stephane Lacrampe

StephaneLACRAMPEBio: Stéphane Lacrampe co-founded Obeo in 2005 in France. Obeo is an independent software vendor with a global reach, leading in open-source modeling software for system and software engineers, enterprise architects, and domain modeling experts. He acted as the CEO of the company until 2018 and is now the director of Obeo Canada. Based in Vancouver island, Stephane LACRAMPE is in charge of developing the adoption and ecosystem for the open-source tool Capella in North and South America as well as Asia-Oceania. He is also the co-chair of the INCOSE Systems Engineering Tools Database Working Group and a regular speaker at international conferences on Systems Engineering.

Running for: Webmaster

Complex Systems as Boundary Work in Multi-perspective Imagination, 21 October 2024.

This is the eights session of our technical program in 2023-2024. This is an INCOSE volunteer-organized virtual event brought to you at no cost by the INCOSE Canada Chapter featuring speaker Randall Anway, an active member of the International Council on Systems Engineering, and the American Institute of Architects. Randall holds a Master of Architecture from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign and Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Connecticut. A registered Architect licensed in New York and Connecticut, USA, Randall’s work draws on 30 years diverse experience in academic, corporate, non-profit, and small business settings.


In-person meet-up in Vancouver Area - Wednesday, October 30, 2024, 5 pm PST

After successfully hosting one of the first INCOSE Canada Chapter meetings in Vancouver, B.C., we are excited to announce that INCOSE Canada Chapter is hosting the second in-person meet-up in Downtown Vancouver. Registration is required to join this event, and a Light refreshment will be provided.

  • Date: Wednesday, October 30, 2024, 5 pm PST.
  • Location: Bentall 5 Conference Room, 550 Burrard St, Vancouver (Map)

The purpose of this event is to provide the INCOSE Canada Chapter members in the Greater Vancouver Area an opportunity to meet-up, mingle with each other, and discuss various Systems Engineering topics. The agenda of this event is:

  • Welcome and Reception (5:00 - 5:30 PM): Start with a casual networking session with light refreshments, allowing attendees to mingle. Attendees will have the opportunity to introduce themselves and provide a brief background.
  • Opening Remarks (5:30 - 5:40 PM): A brief welcome by a representative from INCOSE Canada, highlighting the purpose and goals of the event.
  • Guest Speaker Presentation (5:40 - 6:00 PM): Presentation on SE implementation in capital projects by guest speaker William Hui, Systems Engineering Director at TransLink.
  • Networking (6:00 - 7:00 PM): Casual networking session among SE professionals in the Lower Mainland area.

As the number of seats is limited to 35 people on a first come first serve bases, please register via the link below to save your spot. Please email us if you have any dietary restrictions ([email protected]).

Free Registration

Think Like an Ecosystem: Deploying MBSE within your Organization, 4 November 2024.

This is the ninth session of our technical program in 2023-2024. This is an INCOSE volunteer-organized virtual event brought to you at no cost by the INCOSE Canada Chapter presenting how natural ecosystems can provide insights into managing change in human and engineered systems. By applying principles of ecosystem succession to MBSE deployment, organizations can improve and accelerate new initiatives. The authors propose a Bio-Inspired design process drawing on nature’s strategies to develop resilient processes and efficient modeling practices. This approach enriches MBSE adoption, acknowledges organizational complexities, and promotes adaptive strategies for successful deployment.



Why Systems Engineering is a Smart Investment: Managing Complexity, Reducing Risk, Saving Money, 2 December, 2024.

This is the tenth session of our technical program in 2023-2024. This is an INCOSE volunteer-organized virtual event brought to you at no cost by the INCOSE Canada Chapter featuring speaker Ivan Taylor, president of Policy Dynamics Inc. located in Kitchener, Canada. Ivan has been a Scientist Emeritus at the Centre for Operational Research in Defense R&D Canada where he was employed as a Defense Scientist for over 33 years. Ivan has a Ph.D. in Public Policy, an M.Sc. in Information and Systems Science, and a B.Sc. in Mathematics (Honours). Ivan has presented at the INCOSE International Workshop (IW) in 2021 and 2022 and the 34th Annual INCOSE International Symposium in 2024.

Free registration

INCOSE CANADA Chapter - Elections 2024

Dear INCOSE Canada Chapter members,

We are excited to announce that we will hold board of directors and committee board elections with voting commencing October 1, 2024.

If you would like to nominate a person or put yourself forward as a nominee then please send us a bio (a portrait image is always helpful), identifying the position or positions you are nominating the person or yourself for and a brief pitch for those positions (all under 121 words – will be enforced) to Tony Wu, the Elections Officer, at [[email protected]]. Before voting starts, the information you provide will be displayed and presented on INCOSE Canada’s website.

The following positions are available and open (all terms are for one year starting from the AGM when the new board members are declared):  

Executive Board of Directors Positions:

  • Vice President: The Vice-President/President-Elect shall assist the President and shall assume the duties of the President when the President is unable to perform these duties. The Vice-President shall succeed to the position of the President if the President resigns, or upon completion of her/his term of office. The Vice-President is accountable for the INCOSE Chapter Circle Awards submission.
  • Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be responsible for the financial affairs of the INCOSE Canada Chapter. The Treasurer shall receive all funds paid to the INCOSE Canada Chapter and shall approve payment of all bills incurred by the INCOSE Canada Chapter, as approved by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall maintain adequate financial records to make an annual report on the financial affairs of the INCOSE Canada Chapter to the Board of Directors and to the Committee. The Treasurer shall prepare the budget for 2025.
  • Secretary: The Secretary shall prepare minutes of all meetings of the INCOSE Canada Chapter and the Board of Directors and, as required. The Secretary shall maintain all permanent, non-financial records of the INCOSE Canada Chapter in a central location, accessible by the Board of Directors.

Committee Board Positions:

  • Communications Director: The Communications Director shall be responsible for electronic communication notices (e.g., email) to members. The Communications Director shall assist the Board of Directors in providing communication between the Board of Directors, the INCOSE Canada Chapter membership, and the council.  
  • Technical Program Director: The Technical Program Director shall be responsible for technical programs of the chapter and planning for technical meetings, conferences, workshops, seminars, and courses. The Technical Program Director shall be responsible for planning the overall strategy for systems engineering education, professional development and shall be the Chairperson of the Program Committee.
  • Membership Director: The Membership Director shall be responsible for membership-related matters of the CHAPTER. The Membership Director will endeavor to sustain and increase CHAPTER membership.
  • Webmaster: The Webmaster shall be responsible for developing and maintaining the Chapter website.

The following positions are available for appointment by the Board:

  • French Language Outreach Director: In collaboration with the rest of the board and under the leadership of the CHAPTER president, the director is responsible to formulate and execute the strategy to broaden the CHAPTER’s outreach to francophones within Canada.
  • Academic Outreach Director: In collaboration with the rest of the board and under the leadership of the CHAPTER president, the director is responsible to develop and execute the strategy to deepen the outreach between the Chapter and Students and Faculty within Canada. Furthermore, the director is to continually promote and develop INCOSE Canada Chapter’s Student Systems Engineering Competition as a means to improve student outreach.
  • Systems Engineering Professional Growth Director: In collaboration with the rest of the board and under the leadership of the CHAPTER president, the director is responsible to develop and execute the strategy to growth the number of SEPs within Canada Chapter’s membership.
  • International Symposium Chapter Representative: In collaboration with the rest of the board and under the leadership of the CHAPTER president, the director shall lead the chapter’s efforts to support INCOSE Central’s successful hosting of the International Symposium 2025, in Ottawa.

Important Dates:

  • Close of Nominations: October 9, 2024, at 23:59 (PST)    
  • Voting opens: October 14, 2024, at 23:59 (PST)    
  • Voting closes: November 15, 2024, at 23:59 (PST)    
  • Announcement of results at Annual General Meeting: November 19, 2024, 17:00 (PST)

Voting method:

Online. An email will be sent to the email address members have registered with INCOSE. Email will contain unique information to log into election platform.

Election rules:

  1. Only Canada Chapter members who are in good standing at the time voting opens are eligible to participate in the elections.
  2. One person has one vote for each open position.
  3. Voting by proxy is not allowed.
  4. Write in candidate is not allowed.
  5. Once a vote has been submitted the vote cannot be modified.
  6. No nominee shall hold more than one position on the Board of Directors.
  7. Any position with only one nominee by the time voting closes will be acclaimed.
  8. Any position with no nominee shall remain vacant.
  9. Nominees who are tied for a position at the time voting closes shall be given the opportunity to be nominated again for the same position during the run-off voting. By default, the nominee who tied for a position in the main elections will be nominated for the same position in the run-off - the nominee will need to notify the election committee in writing that they withdraw their nomination if they so desire.
  10. A Nominee who receives the most votes for a position shall be granted the position, unless doing so is in conflict with rule (6).
  11. Runner-ups for Committee Board Positions will be invited to participate in their nominated committee.

We’re excited about the new direction INCOSE Canada will take with your valued support and leadership! Please give every consideration for running. It is just not possible to function as a chapter without your valued input.  

Happy Hour Event: Sharing Experiences from INCOSE IS2024, 29 July 2024.

This is the seventh session of our technical program in 2023-2024. This is an INCOSE volunteer-organized virtual event brought to you at no cost by the INCOSE Canada Chapter.
Whether you attended in person, virtually, or couldn’t make the 34th Annual INCOSE International Symposium in Dublin, Ireland (July 2 – 6, 2024), we invite you to join this happy hour event

Recording of the event

The INCOSE Canada Chapter​ Systems Engineering Student Challenge 2024

We are very excited to launch the inaugural INCOSE Canada Chapter Systems Engineering Student Challenge which will not only challenge students to apply Systems Engineering to their projects but also give practical experience on the benefits of Systems Engineering in their future careers.​

More information and application


Meet some of the Canadian presenter at the IS 2024:


A System Dynamics Model of Organizational Resilience

Authors: Ivan W. Taylor, Policy Dynamics Inc. - Niamat Ullah Ibne Hossain, Arkansas State University

Abstract. Resilience is the ability to avoid, withstand, and recover from adversity. In this paper, we examine organizational resilience using a case study of an organization that suffers from a series of scandals that lead to problems with its reputation as an inclusive organization, which results in difficulties in recruiting and retaining employees. We suggest some policies involving leadership efforts to change the culture in the organization and thereby restore its reputation. Based on the results of a System Dynamics Model that mixes quantitative and qualitative measures, we find that changing organizational culture is difficult. There can be inertia and long delays before the leadership sees results in improved recruiting and retention statistics.


Modeling Cybersecurity Operations to Improve Resilience

Authors: Ivan W. Taylor, Policy Dynamics Inc. - Keith D. Willett, Retired

Abstract. In this paper, we explore the concept of operational resilience of a network or system of computer systems, focusing on the processes of a cybersecurity team within the multi-disciplinary network security operations center. The computer system under examination has faced a cyber-attack that has reduced its capability. The organization's reputation is damaged temporarily but can be restored if the network security operations center can quickly restore the organization’s ability to produce desired results. After a cyber-attack, we examine the processes for restoring the system's capability to its original level. These processes will happen sequentially and require close coordination of the cybersecurity team members. We examine a balanced and adaptive assignment policy within the cybersecurity organization to the various processes, showing how these policies can impact the speed with which the system's capability can be restored. Our findings reveal that the adaptive assignment policy among the team members can increase the system restoration rate even though recovering the complete capability of the system may be the same.


Increasing the Success Rate of AI and ML Systems Deployment at the Enterprise Level- 10th June 2024

This is the sixth session of our technical program in 2023-2024. This is an INCOSE volunteer-organized virtual event brought to you at no cost by the INCOSE Canada Chapter, featuring speaker Mehran Irdmousa, a distinguished AI strategist and Enterprise Architect with a decade of experience in the research and development of cutting-edge AI solutions. His expertise lies in operationalizing complex systems from concept to deployment, boasting a 100% success rate.

Recording of the event


In-person meet-up in Vancouver Area - 9th May 2024

INCOSE Canada Chapter is hosting an in-person meet-up in Downtown Vancouver, BC:

  • At Tap & Barel - Convention Centre (Location)
  • on Thursday, May 9, 2024, 6 pm PST.
The purpose of this event is to provide the INCOSE Canada Chapter members in the Greater Vancouver Area an opportunity to meet-up, mingle with each other, and discuss various Systems Engineering topics.
Please email us at [email protected] to register.

Needs, Requirements, Verification, and Validation Management (NRVVM)- 29th April 2024

This is the fifth session of our technical program in 2023-2024. This is an INCOSE volunteer-organized virtual event brought to you at no cost by the INCOSE Canada Chapter, featuring speaker Lou Wheatcraft, senior consultant and managing member of Wheatland Consulting, LLC.

Recording of the event

The INCOSE Canada chapter is very proud to announce that we will be hosting the 35th Annual INCOSE International Symposium 2025 in in Ottawa. Contact us if you're interested in helping.



The INCOSE Canada chapter is participating to the IEEE SYSCON 2024 in Montreal. Come and visit us on our INCOSE booth. INCOSE members can participate at the same price as IEEE members. More information here.

Our last events

Leveraging AI in Systems Engineering - 11th Feb 2024

This is the fourth session of our technical program in 2023-2024. This is an INCOSE volunteer-organized virtual event brought to you at no cost by the INCOSE Canada Chapter, featuring speaker Somaiieh Yousefi, M.Sc.

Strategic Insights: INCOSE Canada's 2023 Retrospective and Vision for 2024 - 22 January 2024

This is the third session of our technical program in 2023-2024. This is an INCOSE volunteer-organized virtual event brought to you at no cost by the INCOSE Canada Chapter.

Practical Insights: Future Systems Engineering in Canada with Vision 2035 - 11th December 2023

This is the second session of our technical program in 2023-2024. This is an INCOSE volunteer-organized virtual event brought to you at no cost by the INCOSE Canada Chapter, featuring speaker Ivan Taylor, Ph. D.

The Importance of Stress, Strain, and Risk in Dealing with Resilience - 27th November 2023

This is the first session of our technical program in 2023-2024. This is an INCOSE volunteer-organized virtual event brought to you at no cost by the INCOSE Canada Chapter, featuring speaker John S. Brtis.

Overview of our 2022-20223 events

28 Nov 2022: "Cybersecurity Modeling and Simulation" by Ivan Taylor

09 Jan 2023: "Requirements Engineering for Software Engineering Projects" by Majd Karam

13 Feb 2023: "Generating a Robust System Architecture Using ARCADIA Capella" by Dr. Eric Dano

20 Mar 2023: "Conceptual models for Agent Based Modeling" by Terry Fitzgerald

11 Apr 2023: "MBSE in the Railway Industry" by Qifang Wang and Sergio Guindas Garcia

11 May 2023: "Cybersecurity Modeling in SPARX Enterprise Architect" by Bob Hruska
  slidesCastle Threat model - Threat Model Report

15 Jun 2023: "Cybersecurity by Design" by Bob Hruska and Christoph Schmittner

16 Oct 2023: - "How Big Things Get Done : A Book Review" by Ivan Taylor

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