Mar 2, 2005, 00:00 AM
INCOSE is seeking members who are interested in supporting technical reviews. One of the activities of the new Technical Leadership Team is to develop a consolidated database of suitably qualified reviewers for our various publications, including papers, panels, and products. The role of reviewer is a critical part of INCOSE’s infrastructure, ensuring that INCOSE’s products meet professional standards. In order to be registered as a reviewer you will typically have at least five years experience in the area being reviewed or a related area.
If you are interested in participating in the reviewing process, could you please indicate your interest by sending an email to
[email protected], with the following three pieces of information:
- The area(s) in which you consider yourself suitable as a reviewer. To this end, the areas of systems engineering are characterised by two parameters; the application sector
1=Aerospace & Defense
2= Consumer Goods
3=Emerging Technologies
5=Information Sciences
7=Public Interest
and the enabler
a=Systems Science
b=Technical Processes
c=SE Mgmt Processes
d=SE Support Processes
e=Modeling& Tools
f=Specialty Engineering
So, for example, 2 would mean application of all aspects of SE to Consumer Goods, 1f would mean Speciality Engineering (e.g. RAM) applied to Aerospace & Defence, c would mean application of SE Mgmt Processes to all sectors, and so on. (Your reviewer profile will be an area in the plane spanned by the two coordinates.)
- Number of years with major involvement in SE.
- Main type of involvement in SE (academic, practitioner, tools developer).
Optionally, it would be useful if you could include a short statement about your experience, such as “I have worked in Defence & Aerospace for over 20 years and have 10 years experience of systems engineering process improvement in the Naval Sector. This has included developing bespoke tools and aspects of systems engineering management.”
Questions should be directed to Erik Aslaksen, Associate Director, Technical Review.