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For information about INCOSE Membership, please go to www.incose.org/Membership.

Persons from Germany and Austria can use the German Chapter website at www.gfse.de/mitgliedschaft.html.

If you want to join a tutorial, visit the tutorial website and select your preferred ones. During the registration process you will be asked to select none or your preferred tutorials.

Registration Fees
Full Conference Member € 500
Full Conference Senior/Retired Member 1 € 300
Full Conference Student Member 1 € 300
One Day Registration Member € 350
Full Conference Non-member € 750
Full Conference Retired Non-Member 2 € 300
Full Conference Student Non-member 2 € 300
One Day Registration Non-member € 500
Optional Items
Ice Breaker Reception € 75
Conference Dinner € 90

1 A valid approved Senior/Student status from either INCOSE or the German Chapter
2 Student status: students qualify if they are enrolled full time in an undergraduate or graduate program. Retired persons in GERMANY.

What's included?

Full Registration
Includes all Technical Sessions, Tutorials, Admission to Exhibits, Proceedings, Conference bag, Symposium lunches & breaks, Receptions.

Day Registration
Includes Technical Sessions, Lunches & Breaks, Admission to Exhibits for the Selected Day, Proceedings, Conference bag. Tickets are available for purchase for Ice Breaker Reception and Banquet, which are NOT included.

Guest Registration
People attending the symposium with a Guest should remember to register them individually for all social events if they intend to participate in those activities. This helps us plan the food and beverage needs, and on-site sales will be limited.

Cancellation policy
A written request for cancellation must be received by 12 October 2018 (E-mail: [email protected] ) to receive a 100% refund.
No refunds will be given for cancellations made after 12 October 2018 or in the case of registrant no-shows.