Look around us and what do you see regarding the systems of today? It is hard to find a relevant system that is a stand-alone system, not interconnected to other systems or interacting in some significant way with other systems. And the increases in the functionality of our systems, as well as the level of technology adoption, has continued to outpace our practices to fully harness the technology and technically manage the Systems and Systems of Systems to our greatest advantage. This presentation will look at our current situation and how our environment has changed, providing an understanding of the challenges we are facing with some examples using specific technology areas. It will then provide a look at some of the work in process to advance our processes, practices, and performance of Systems Engineering towards addressing those challenges. This includes working towards the realization of the INCOSE SE Vision 2025, progress being made in the area of Systems of Systems, and changing the way we look at Systems Engineering. And finally it will address what we are doing and need to accomplish within INCOSE to address this change.