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Frequently Asked Questions

What is INCOSE?
INCOSE is the International Council on Systems Engineering. Information about the history of the organization, its mission and objectives can be found on the website at www.incose.org.

Who can attend the conference?
The conference is an open event and everyone who registers and pays their registration fees is welcome to attend. Attendance includes access to the technical sessions, tutorials, the exhibition area and food and beverage for the day. Although early registration is encouraged, it is possible to register on-site, but some limited-availability options, such as the tutorials, may be closed. Participants are encouraged to bring their family members, but special conditions may apply regarding access to the event. Extra guest tickets are available for some sessions on a first-come, first-served basis.

How much does symposium registration cost?
Registration options for the symposium include a full registration, which covers all days, unlimited access to plenary and technical presentations, food and beverage for lunches and breaks, access to the exhibit hall and all activities scheduled therein, registration materials, Tutorials. External tours (Technical TOUR) tickets are available when you register in a separate process. Registration for a single day entrance is also available. INCOSE members are eligible for discounts on the basic registration fees. For more details about registration fees, please check registration fees webpage.

When can I register?
Registration will open in mid of August 2018. On-site registration is also accepted.

Where can I stay?
A number of rooms have been pre-reserved at negotiated rate at the MOA hotel. On line booking is available from Accommodation webpage.

I am a presenter; do I have to pay to attend the symposium?
All presenters shall pay the required fees to attend the symposium, at the minimum for the day of their presentation(s). Failure to register before the specified deadline may result in removal of the paper or panel from the final published proceedings and forfeiture of your place in the technical program.

What is the difference between an open and closed meeting at the conference?
INCOSE values transparency in all its actions and activities. An open meeting is one in which you can just drop in and start contributing to the work of the participants - in true workshop style. Closed meetings are those with a focused agenda and an audience qualified to address the agenda. In many cases, you can reach out to the chair of a meeting in advance - either to join the group or to observe. In some cases, it may be inappropriate.

Travel to Germany.
Passport & Visa

Some travelers to Germany must hold a valid visa and a passport that is valid six months longer than the intended visit. If you need an invitation letter, please send a request by mail to [email protected] . For details please check with your embassy.

Can I attend to a tutorial without registration?
The tutorials are free, but registration for at least 1 day is mandatory.

Can I join on for the conference days without visiting a tutorial?
The tutorials are optional on Monday. Please select “none” at the registration process if you do not want to participate at any of the offered tutorials.