• INCOSE-LA Professional Networking Event - Westminster

    Networking event at Michael's Sports Pub & Grill

  • Systems Thinking Workshop: Learning to Think About Systems in a Holistic Manner

    This workshop by James Martin will teach you some essential principles and concepts of systems and how to use these in a “systemic” fashion to improve your ability to think about systems in a holistic manner.

  • Tutorial: James Martin, Systems Thinking Workshop: Learning How to Think About Systems in a Holistic Manner

  • Meeting Speaker: Larri Rosser, System Engineering for Software Intensive Projects using Agile Methods, Joint Meeting with Southern Arizona Chapter

  • INCOSE-LA Speaker Meeting: Unleashing Big Space: Next-Generation Applications with Small Satellite Advances

    Prof. David Barnhart will discuss the various areas of research on orbit aggregation. Register here.

  • Meeting Speaker: Dr. Beth Wilson, NDIA: A Place for Systems Engineers to Move the Needle

  • INCOSE-LA Strategic Planning Meeting

    2015-Q2 Strategic Planning Meeting

  • INCOSE-LA Networking Event: Vertical Wine Bistro, Pasadena

    Join the INCOSE-Los Angeles Chapter in Pasadena for an evening of networking. Register by April 17.

  • Speaker Meeting: David Long, Systems Engineering in Turbulent Times

    INCOSE-LA speaker meeting with David Long, 15 April 2015: "Systems Engineering in Turbulent Times". Register by April 8.

  • Meeting Speaker: Cliff Whitcomb, PhD, Design Thinking: What is it and What Does it Mean for Systems Engineering?

  • INCOSE CAZC Monthly Chapter Meeting - Mar 18th @ 6PM

  • Meeting Speaker: Chris Scrapper, Evolutionary Systems Engineering for Unmanned Systems at SPAWAR

  • You’re in my Space: Agile’s Roles, Responsibilities and Competencies

  • Speaker Meeting: Phyllis Marbach, Principles for Agile Development

  • INCOSE-LA Professional Networking Event, Santa Monica

  • Meeting Speaker: Andy Pickard, When “Yes” is the Wrong Answer (best paper award at IS14)

  • Meeting Speaker: Jack Ring, Modeling Conceptual Design

  • Holiday Social

    Please join us for the chapter's Holiday Social at El Pinto Restaurant (505.898.1771), 10500 4th Street, in Albuquerque on Friday, December 12, 2014. Cocktail hour at 6:00 PM, followed by a traditional Mexican buffet at 7:00 PM. Click on title for more detail.

  • CAZC Webinar - Lean Systems Engineering WG

    19 November 2014, 6:30 – 7:30 pm

  • Tutorial: Eric Smith, Tradeoff Studies, Techniques and Biases

    Click on title for more detail.

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