• INCOSE/GfSE Webinar 16: Very Advanced Systems Engineering with FAS - Part II

  • INCOSE Enchantment: Realizing the Vision - Digital Engineering and Modeling & Simulation at OSD

  • INCOSE Singapore: INCOSE System Engineering Professional (SEP) Certification Webinar

  • INCOSE Midwest Gateway: SE Handbook, 5th Edition Overview

  • Crossroads of America Chapter: Organizational Challenges of Data Interoperability and Re-use Through the Lifecycle

  • INCOSE PM-SE Working Group leaders invited to present at PMI PMO Roundtable

  • GfSE: Tag des Systems Engineering (TdSE) 2023

  • INCOSE Los Angeles November Meeting: Systems Architecting and the Political Process

  • Chesapeake Chapter Lecture & Discussion: Integrating SE into Curriculum at UC Irvine

  • Webinar 169: Systems engineering and software engineering

  • INCOSE Seattle Metro: Model Based SE (MBSE) Three Ways Preview

  • Inaugural Australian Digital Engineering Summit 2023

  • INCOSE Chicagoland: Engineering Trustworthy Secure Systems

  • Calling All Systems - FuSE - Future of Systems Engineering

  • INCOSE Seattle Metro: Model Based SE (MBSE) Three Ways Workshop

  • INCOSE UK Annual Systems Engineering Conference 2023(ASEC 2023)

  • INCOSE NORSEC + USN: Systems Engineering Study Group (SESG)

  • INCOSE Brasil Conference 2023

  • INCOSE Los Angeles & San Diego: one day conference

  • INCOSE-Chesapeake 2023 Annual Gala

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