About the INCOSE Colorado Front Range Chapter

The INCOSE is a professional society with the mission to foster the definition, understanding, and practice of world-class Systems Engineering in industry, academia, and government.

INCOSE Colorado Front Range is the local INCOSE chapter, covering the entire State of Colorado. Our purpose is to foster the definition, understanding, and practice of world class Systems Engineering in industry, academia, and government within the Colorado Chapter. Our local members represent the aerospace, defense, energy, telecommunications, medical devices, and manufacturing industries, as well as government and academia. We welcome systems engineers from all backgrounds and industries and encourage you to join our our chapter.

INCOSE Colorado Front Range Chapter Logo Vertical-01

CFR Chapter Mission

Share, promote, and advance the best of systems engineering from across the globe for the benefit of Colorado industry, academia, government, and its residents.

CFR Chapter Vision

The foremost experts in Colorado for applying Systems Engineering perspectives and practices.

CFR Chapter Values

  • Connect – We are the forum of choice for systems engineers to meet and share best practices
  • Grow – Our technical programs increase the professional expertise and value of our members
  • Inspire – We spark innovative systems engineering applications at our workplaces and communities

Board Members

Learn more about our Board of Directors.

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