Certification Blog

Certification Overview
  • Interview with Antony Williams, ESEP

    Sep 19, 2021

    Tony Williams, ESEP, is INCOSE's Director for the Americas Sector and a champion of INCOSE Certification. He sees the value in understanding a common language of SE terminology, something that an individual can prove through becoming a SEP.

  • Interview with Tong Zhu, ASEP

    Sep 18, 2021

    Tong Zhu, ASEP, has embraced online learning and applies systems engineering principles to improve software. He appreciates what he learned as he prepared for the INCOSE knowledge exam and emphasizes the importance of a holistic view of systems.

  • Interview with David Endler, CSEP

    Sep 17, 2021

    Dr. David Endler, CSEP is a great advocate for systems engineering and, because he likes challenging situations, an appreciator of triathlons.

  • Interview with Bob Gates, ESEP

    Sep 16, 2021

    This interview was conducted in 2014. Bob Gates, ESEP, is retired now and continues to apply systems engineering in smaller projects than the International Space Station.

  • Interview with Howard Steel, ASEP

    Sep 15, 2021

    Howard Steel, ASEP and Chartered Engineer, has mechanical designs displayed in the Science Museum in London.

  • Interview with Stephanie Chiesi, CSEP

    Sep 14, 2021

    Interview with Stephanie Chiesi, CSEP. She decided to pursue SEP certification because she thought it was important to her career to have a measurable and demonstrable proof of her knowledge and expertise.

  • Interview with Emmet Eckman, ESEP

    Sep 13, 2021

    Interview with Emmet Eckman, ESEP. He is currently a Northrop Grumman Director of Software Engineering with the responsibility of migration and adoption of the USAF PlatformOne (P1) on the engineering and manufacturing development (EMD) phase of the Ground Based Strategic Deterrent (GBSD) program.

  • Interview with Simon Tinling, ASEP

    Sep 12, 2021

    Interview with Simon Tinling, ASEP. He is finding the main benefit of working towards CSEP certification is the reflective learning that comes from holding up his experience against the INCOSE competences, SEBOK and SE Handbook.

  • Interview with Amanda Muller, CSEP

    Sep 11, 2021

    Interview with Dr. Amanda Muller, CSEP. She thinks SEP certification give her the flexibility to take on different systems engineering roles.

  • Interview with Bernardo Delicado, ESEP

    Sep 10, 2021

    Bernardo Delicado, ESEP is a founding member of the INCOSE Spain chapter. From his opinion, SEP certification can give recognition as a professional systems engineer and a pedigree that would be the key to success in filling important engineering positions.

  • Interview with James Towers, ASEP

    Sep 09, 2021

    The co-author of “Don’t Panic! The Absolute Beginners Guide to Architecture Frameworks” is profiled on the CertBlog today. Read here to learn more about James Towers, ASEP.

  • Interview with Stephen Guine, CSEP

    Sep 08, 2021

    Stephen Guine MBA, MPP, CSEP-Acq describes his CSEP certification as a "calling card" that encourages others to trust his systems engineering knowledge.

  • Interview with Gabriela Coe, ESEP

    Sep 07, 2021

    Interview with Gabriela Coe, ESEP. She thinks having the CSEP and ESEP certifications have impacted her career in several positive ways, including meeting a lot of like-minded and SE-passionate individuals, applying the knowledge gained through having obtained the certifications to solving tough problems for our customers, mentoring young professionals on systems engineering activities and topics, and being recognized as a leader in her organization.

  • Interview with Peter Graham, ASEP

    Sep 05, 2021

    Today's SEPtember profile is Peter Graham, an ASEP working to transition the UK energy system to net zero greenhouse gases.

  • Interview with Clement Smartt, CSEP

    Sep 05, 2021

    Clement Smartt, CSEP, was initially interviewed in 2014. In his 2021 update, Dr. Smartt commented on the progress made in digital engineering over the past few years.

  • Interview with Ramakrishnan Raman, ESEP

    Sep 04, 2021

    Interview with Ramakrishnan Raman, ESEP. He was the first CSEP from India early in 2005, and in 2018 he was the 8th ESEP certified in Asia Oceania Sector.

  • Interview with Cecilia Haskins, ESEP

    Sep 03, 2021

    Cecilia Haskins was one of the first INCOSE SEPs, having participated in the six-hour beta version of the knowledge exam in 2003. Cecilia has recently stepped down from six years of service on INCOSE's Certification Advisory Group.

  • Interview with Wayne Biden, CSEP

    Sep 02, 2021

    Interview with Wayne Biden, CSEP. He got SEP certification to enable recognition of the standing within the systems engineering profession by external entities (customers, industry) and also for the pride of achieving a benchmark of capability in the profession.

  • Interview with Laurie Nasta, CSEP

    Sep 01, 2021

    Interview with Laurie Nasta, CSEP. Laurie is a senior systems engineer for a major defense contractor in the Washington D.C. Area.

  • How long is the exam?

    Aug 27, 2021

images of ASEP, CSEP, and ESEP badges
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