Certification Blog

Certification Overview
  • Does my reference have to be a SEP?

    May 26, 2023

    References must know what SE is, but they don't have to be systems engineers.

  • Checking Certification Status Online

    May 19, 2023

    INCOSE Certification status is available on the INCOSE website.

  • Where can I get a CSEP polo shirt or jacket?

    Apr 21, 2023

    Impress your friends by bringing a SEP logo towel to the beach! Or, get a SEP logo polo shirt for wearing at work. Purchase from the Lands End online store.

  • Is the exam offered only in English?

    Apr 14, 2023

    Many of INCOSE's Certification candidates come from countries where English is not the first language they learn.

  • Videos: How to describe your SE experience

    Apr 07, 2023

    Learn what to do and what not to do when filling out the experience section of your CSEP or ESEP application.

  • New Certification Starting 1 April 2023: DSEP

    Mar 31, 2023

    Applications for INCOSE's newest (oldest?) certification level will be open starting on 1 April 2023. The Dinosaur Systems Engineering Professional (DSEP) will NOT be based on whether our coworkers and family members refer to you as a dinosaur.

  • Videos: How to be a great reference

    Mar 24, 2023

    Choose qualified references and help them express themselves in their INCOSE forms.

  • Who wrote these questions?

    Mar 17, 2023

    All exam questions and answers come from the text in the Systems Engineering Handbook. What is the path they take from handbook content to scored question on the knowledge exam?

  • Test the Test

    Mar 03, 2023

    Interested in INCOSE Certification but haven't started studying? This is the perfect time. We are offering free beta tests online for up to 100 candidates. You will be given one month (March 2023) to study using an online version of the not-yet-released Fifth Edition of the INCOSE SE Handbook. This is only open to those who are not yet certified.

  • INCOSE on Social Media

    Feb 10, 2023

images of ASEP, CSEP, and ESEP badges
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