Wright Brothers Chapter

Welcome to the Wright Brothers Chapter

We are Back!

After several years of not having chapter activities, We are Back!

Why does this excite me?  The Wright Brothers Chapter is located in one of the areas that might have more practicing Systems Engineers than anywhere else.  Many of those practicing SEs probably don't recognize themselves as SEs, but they are.

The Wright Brothers Chapter gives us the opportunity to Share our processes, ideas, and successes with each other.  We get to learn with each other and get to hang out with people who think like us as we advance our system skills.

Our meetings are being held at 1130-1230 (or later) on the 3rd Tuesday of every month with the default location being KBR, 3725 Pentagon Blvd, Suite 110, Beavercreek, OH 45431.

Our meetings' themes:

-- January: INCOSE Chapter Reboot

-- February: Systems Engineering Tools, Jim Jordan

-- March: Systems Engineering Education, Dr Henry Lester and Lt Col Amy Cox, PhD

-- April: Digital Transformation in the Air Force: Mr Chris Garrett, Technical Director, AFLCMC/EN-EZ

We have some ideas about future topics, but this is your Chapter and I'd like to hear from you and what you need to be a more successful Systems Engineer.

Yours in Systems,

David Long, President, Wright Brothers Chapter, INCOSE

p.s. If anyone wants to take on the role of webmaster, let me know...the chapter deserves better than my web skills! dsl

Contact us at [email protected]

Chapter Events

Moving Machine Learning into Production Systems - CMU SEI Lunch and Learn 1 of 12

"An Overview of Software Verification & Validation," Author, Steve Rakitin - Three Rivers Chapter Meeting

"Spectacular Views of the City: A Comparison of Smart City Models," Jon Mooney, Virtual, 7-8:30pm CDT

Chapter News

Happy Anniversary! Wright Brothers Chapter 2025: We've been active for a Year!

Find out more by visiting the  WRIGHT BROTHERS YAMMER  community today!

Yammer is INCOSE's social media platform for members. Use your INCOSE-issued Microsoft credential to login and join the conversation. INCOSE credentials are in the form of [email protected] or [email protected].   

Contact Us