Configuration Management Working Group

Advancing the state of the art of CM and SE

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Welcome to Configuration Management Working Group

Our mission:

The purpose of the Configuration Management Working Group (CM WG) is to

  • expand the awareness and body of knowledge of Configuration Management over the full system lifecycle,
  • capture the best practices,
  • collaborate with the other INCOSE working groups to provide the relevant state of the art support to SE,
  • develop CM expertise within INCOSE in liaison with the other engineering disciplines,
  • collaborate with  the standardization bodies and other international organizations and communities with a common interest in CM.

Process Enablers

TechOps Domain






  • Sandrine Gonthier


  • Alek Przybylo
  • Adriana D'Souza
  • Aryes Lahiry

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Our scope spans activities relating to defining, capturing, evolving, and communicating CM processes, methods and best practices. It also addresses how to support state of the art CM implementation and the human aspects (competencies, organizational aspects).

This may include investigations about CM evolution and adaptation to evolving SE context, Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0, as well as collaborate with CM working groups from other organizations.

CM WG  will join efforts with other INCOSE working groups such as Requirements, Systems of systems, Digital Engineering, Agile SE, Sustainability, etc. where appropriate, to ensure subject matter expertise is seamlessly integrated into the other aspects of the systems engineering process.


The WG will actively participate in reviewing and providing feedback for the INCOSE SE Handbook and SEBoK, including concrete inputs for the evolution of CM related standards (e.g. SAE 649, ISO 10007) and specifications/guidelines.

The WG will publish CM related practice and research papers (at conferences and in journals within various communities) and produce INCOSE WG Products.


Furthermore, the WG would like to foster pro-active involvement in CM related research projects (including Ph.D. and Master level projects with universities). 


  The goals of CM Working Group are to:

  • communicate CM fundamentals to systems engineering practitioners over the full lifecycle,
  • emphasize the benefits of CM,
  • develop the body of knowledge and a community around CM,
  • contribute to INCOSE events and INCOSE publications,
  • contribute to SE Handbook and SEBoK,
  • provide knowledge and expertise on CM in support of other INCOSE working groups in their systems engineering areas,
  • facilitate the identification of CM practices to apply in the engineering of complex systems/systems of systems (SoS),
  • contribute to the evolutions of norms and standards related to CM,
  • expand the CM practices in consistency with the evolution of the SE artefacts,
  • address CM of modelling and simulation based approaches to SE,
  • address CM throughout the complete lifecycle including early phases and in-service phase,
  • address the full scope of CM applications including SW CM, variability of systems, CM tailoring and across multiple programs, CM and ILS, CM and asset management, CM and inventory management, …
  • address the evolutions of CM with digitalization, artificial intelligence and augmented reality.


The planned outcomes of the CM WG are:

  • meetings at IW and IS
  • maintenance of CM WG INCOSE resources (public and iNET site pages, Yammer discussion feed, …)
  • dedicated activities workshops
  • inputs to the SEBoK
  • inputs to revisions of the SE HBK
  • INCOSE technical products in the form of Guides or similar documents for the benefit of INCOSE members and the larger community
  • collaboration with other INCOSE working groups, industry committees, organizations, and academic institutions
  • collaboration to standards evolution
  • participation in development of SAE/EIA 649 (series) with the SAE G-33 Committee with direction from the INCOSE Standards Department and INCOSE’s POC to SAE
  • publication of CM related papers at the INCOSE Symposium, INCOSE INSIGHT, and/or INCOSE SE Journal.

IW25: International Workshop Meeting

  • WG chairmanship updates: chair change from Alek to Sandrine; co-chairs Adriana, Alek and Aryes.
  • Review of on-going activities (SEBoK updates proposal, CM for PLE ISO26581 contribution, Don't Panic Guide under review, AFIS SEHK translation, SAE G33 WG collaboration)
  • Brainstorm and propose topics to work on
  • CM WG Charter update planned.

IS2024 publications

Planned Activities

  • Upgrade CM and IM SEBoK sections
  • Finalize publication of an awareness guide
  • Contribute to the new PLE CM ISO standard
  • Formalise previous publications on CM for models
  • Address CM concepts clarification 

Planned Work Products

  • SEBoK update in line with SE Handbook  
  • Publish an awareness guide  "Don't Panic  ... The absolute beginners guide to Configuration Management"  (Don't Panic Guide serie)
  • Upgrade/Create CM glossary to include MBSE scope


Yammer is INCOSE's social media platform for members. Use your INCOSE-issued Microsoft credential to login and join the conversation. INCOSE credentials are in the form of [email protected] or [email protected].   

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