Guy A. Boy, Ph.D., is FlexTech Chair University Professor at Paris Saclay University (CentraleSupélec) and Chairman of the Scientific Council of ESTIA Institute of Technology, France. He is also a Visiting Scholar at ISAE-SUPAERO (the French Aerospace Institute of Technology). He is an INCOSE Fellow (Human-Systems Integration [HSI] Working Group Chair and member of the FuSE project), Fellow of the French Air and Space Academy, and Fellow of the International Academy of Astronautics. He is very active in the development of HSI worldwide. He was a Senior Research Scientist at the Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition (IHMC), IPA Chief Scientist for HCD at NASA Kennedy Space Center, and Professor and Dean of the Florida Institute of Technology Human-Centered Design Institute (HCDi), and HCD Doctoral School. He was a member of the Scientific Committee of the Single European Sky for Air Traffic Management Research (SESAR) program from 2013 to 2016. He was Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the ISU (International Space University) SSP (Space Studies Program) FIT/NASA-KSC 2012 (SSP12). He has been an associate professor at the École Polytechnique de Paris (Comasic Master). He was President and CEO of the European Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Engineering (EURISCO, a research institute of Airbus and Thales). He co-founded EURISCO in 1992 and led it from its creation until its closure in 2008. Between 1980 and 1991, he worked in artificial intelligence and cognitive sciences at ONERA (French Aerospace Lab) as a researcher and group leader and at NASA Ames Research Center in California as the Advanced Interaction Media Group Lead. Engineer and researcher in cognitive sciences, he obtained his degrees (including a Master's in 1977 and a Doctorate in 1980) from ISAE-SUPAERO (French Aerospace Institute of Technology), the Research Professor Habilitation (HDR) from Sorbonne University (Pierre & Marie Curie University) in 1992, and his Qualifications of University Professor in Computer Science and Psychology in 1994.