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The International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) is a not-for-profit membership organization founded to develop and disseminate the transdisciplinary principles and practices that enable the realization of successful systems. INCOSE is designed to connect systems engineering professionals with educational, networking, and career-advancement opportunities in the interest of developing the global community of systems engineers and systems approaches to problems. We are also focused on producing state-of-the-art work products that support and enhance this discipline’s visibility in the world.

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International Council on Systems Engineering Honors 2018 Award Recipients

Oct 24, 2018, 13:06 PM by Danielle DeRoche
Awardees Recognized at INCOSE International Symposium, July 7-12

International Council on Systems Engineering Honors 2018 Award Recipients
Awardees Recognized at INCOSE International Symposium, July 7-12

SAN DIEGO (Oct. 22, 2019) – The International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) has recognized 21 individuals, eight groups and 25 chapters with 2018 awards. 

Each of these honors recognize INCOSE members who have made significant contributions to the organization and field. Recipients were awarded for their efforts at the 28th INCOSE International Symposium, July 7-12 in Washington, DC.

Pioneer Award
The Pioneer and Posthumous Pioneer Award highlights individuals who discovered innovative applications of systems engineering and developed successful products or services to benefit society. 

• Byrana Nagappa Suresh, Ph.D., received the Pioneer Award for his significant contributions in space systems engineering as the backbone of the Indian Space Research Organization.
James E. Long was given the Posthumous Pioneer Award for his substantial and relevant contributions in model-based systems engineering (MBSE) before the formalization of the MBSE initiative by INCOSE and the Object Management Group.

Founder Award
Every year, one distinguished INCOSE member is given the Founder Award in honor of their continued contribution to the organization.

• Xinguo Zhang, Ph.D., was honored for his commitment to the growth of the INCOSE Beijing Chapter and leading the practice and promotion of systems engineering in China. 

Fellows Award
The Fellows Award honors individuals for their significant contributions to systems engineering in industry, government and academia. 

• Michael Sievers, Ph.D., was recognized for advancing the state-of-the-art and state-of-the-practice of MBSE with specific emphasis on resilient systems and system-of-systems.
• Jon Wade, Ph.D., was given the Fellows Award for leading research focused on accelerating the acquisition of the systems engineering experience with real-world considerations.
• Charles Wasson was honored for authoring and communicating concepts, principles, and practices that have advanced the state of systems engineering practice.

Outstanding Service Award
INCOSE’s Outstanding Service Award recognizes members who have been dedicated volunteers and promoted the organization’s values of collaboration, education and research. 

• Azad Madni, Ph.D., was honored for his tireless work supporting the next generation of INCOSE leaders and connecting key individuals and organizations.
• Eric Belle was recognized for his service to the Los Angeles Chapter and the Americas sector, as well as his promotion of systems engineering through the Conference of Systems Engineering Research in 2016 and the INCOSE Regional Mini-Conference in 2015.
• Rick Dove was applauded for his exceptional, extended and high-impact contributions to the INCOSE community, along with his leadership and tireless advancements of systems concepts.
• Tony Gigioli was honored for his leadership of the chapter awards committee, INCOSE Chesapeake Chapter and service in support of INCOSE initiatives.
• Mark Halverson was recognized for elevating the value of systems engineering and leading the San Diego chapter to its first-ever INCOSE Chapter Gold Award.
• Bob Skalamera received the Outstanding Service Award due to his leadership of the certification advisory group and commitment to advance and improve the program.
• Marilee Wheaton was recognized for her service and promotion of systems engineering and technical education through her leadership of systems engineering conference activities.

In Recognition
The following individuals and group were honored for their exceptional service to INCOSE:

• Jean-Claude Roussel was recognized for his dedicated service as director of the Europe, Middle East and Africa Sector, 2014-2018.
• Olivier de Weck was applauded for his service as editor-in-chief of “Systems Engineering,” 2013-2018.
• Richard Adcock was honored for his dedicated service as editor-in-chief of “Systems Engineering Book of Knowledge,” 2015-2018.
• The Chapter Governance and Finance Model Team was recognized for its significant impact on the future of INCOSE. Members of the team include: Meaghan O’Neil, Rene Oosthuizen, Ian Gibson, Ivan MacTaggart, Andy Pickard and Kerry Lunney.

Chapter Circle Awards
The goals of the Chapter Circle annual award program are to recognize achievements at the chapter level, improve sharing of good and best practices between chapters, and encourage effort and innovation in serving INCOSE members at the local level. This year, 22 chapters received awards:

• Platinum: Chesapeake, Chicagoland, Enchantment (New Mexico and El Paso, Texas), Los Angeles, North Star (Minnesota) and South Africa
• Gold: Australia and Washington Metro Area
• Silver: Denmark, Finger Lakes, Hampton Roads, Huntsville, India, Israel, San Diego, Singapore, Southern Arizona, Southern Maryland and Texas Gulf Coast
• Bronze: Charleston, Cleveland North Ohio and Great Plains

The Most Improved Chapter Award was given to Finger Lakes and the Outstanding Chapter Award was given to Los Angeles and North Star. 

Good Neighbor Award
INCOSE’s Good Neighbor Award aims to encourage mature and strong chapters to support other emerging chapters by giving recognition to demonstrable efforts to improve the operations, services and well-being of chapters in need toward growth and sustainability.

• Americas sector: Enchantment Chapter
• Europe, the Middle East and Africa sector: Association Française d'Ingénierie Système Chapter
• Asia Oceania sector: Australia Chapter

Best Papers
INCOSE also recognized outstanding research completed in the field of systems engineering with the following distinctions:

• Best Paper on System Science: “What Do We Mean by ‘System’? System Beliefs and Worldviews in the INCOSE Community” by Hillary Sillitto, Regina Griego, James Martin, Dov Dori, Patrick Godfrey, Dorothy McKinney, Daniel Krob, Eileen Arnold and Scott Jackson
• Best Paper on Biomed/Healthcare/Social Services: “A Successful Use of Systems Approaches in Cross-Disciplinary Healthcare Improvement” by Julian Johnson, Fran Beck, Gary Smith and Alan Harding
• Best Paper on Model-Based Systems Engineering: “Integrating Safety and Reliability Analysis into MBSE: Overview of the New Proposed OMG Standard” by Geoffrey Biggs, Andrius Armonas, Tomas Juknevicius and Kyle Post
• Best Paper on Project Planning, Project Assessment and/or Control: “How Many Systems Engineers Does It Take to Change a Light Bulb?” by Andy Nolan, Judy Nolan, Andrew Pickard, Richard Beasley and Timothy Pruitt
• Best Paper on Resilience: “Quantitative Resiliency Analysis and Modeling of Microgrids” by Myron Hecht
• Brian Mar Best Student Paper on Service Systems: “Development Concepts of Smart Service System-based Smart Factory (4SF)” by Heeje Lee and Joongyoon Lee

Journal Outstanding Paper Award
The Journal Outstanding Paper Award was awarded to the following “Systems Engineering” Journal papers:

• Volume 19, 2016: "Distributed Resource Management in Systems of Systems: An Architecture Perspective" by Mohsen Mosleh, Peter Ludlow and Babak Heydari
• Volume 20, 2017: "Qualitative Methods for Engineering Systems: Why We Need Them and How to Use Them" by Zoe Szajnfarber and Erica Gralla

INSIGHT Outstanding Article Award
The INSIGHT Outstanding Article Award highlights research that has accelerated the field of systems engineering.

• Volume 20, Issue 1- March 2017: "Integration of Verification and Validation with Systems Engineering: Staying Ahead of the Power Curve?" by Wilson N. Felder

INCOSE Foundation and James E. Long Memorial Award
The INCOSE Foundation and James E. Long Memorial Award celebrates the life of Long through a post-doctoral fellowship to advance the state of systems thinking or the systems perspective. This year, the award was presented to:

• Hanumanthrao Kannan, Virginia Tech

INCOSE Foundation and Stevens Institute of Technology Doctoral Award
This award applauds promising doctoral research in systems engineering and integration.

Edwin Ordhoukanian, University of Southern California

INCOSE Foundation and Johns Hopkins University Alexander Kossiakoff Award
This award is presented to academics who show promise in applied systems engineering research.

Marilee J. Wheaton, University of Southern California

Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) INCOSE First Place Winner
The ISEF INCOSE award recognizes outstanding research in the field of systems engineering.

• “Dynamo Powered Vaccine Carrier for Off-Grid Locations, Year Two” by Susanna Dorminy

About the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE)
The International Council on Systems Engineering is a not-for-profit membership organization that promotes international collaboration in systems engineering practice, education and research. INCOSE’s mission is to “address complex societal and technical challenges by enabling, promoting and advancing systems engineering and systems approaches.” Founded in 1990, INCOSE has more than 70 chapters and over 17,000 members worldwide. For additional information about INCOSE, visit Become a member today.

Media Contact:
Sandy Young, J. Walcher Communications             
619-295-7140, [email protected]

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