A better world through a systems approach.

The International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) is a not-for-profit membership organization founded to develop and disseminate the transdisciplinary principles and practices that enable the realization of successful systems. INCOSE is designed to connect systems engineering professionals with educational, networking, and career-advancement opportunities in the interest of developing the global community of systems engineers and systems approaches to problems. We are also focused on producing state-of-the-art work products that support and enhance this discipline’s visibility in the world.

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News and Highlights


Dec 8, 2014, 00:00 AM by INCOSE UMS
The INCOSE Board of Directors (BoD) has completed a review of individual membership dues in response to inflationary pressures on INCOSE's cost base since the last review of dues in 2010. With effect from 1st January 2015 the new rates will be as shown in the table below. The BoD has determined that individual member dues will not be increased again before 1st January 2017.
Chapters that manage membership locally will update dues in line with their governance rules.
Membership type
2011 dues
Approved dues 1. Jan 2015
Regular - 1 year
Regular - 3 year
$135 / 405
Regular - 5 year
$125 / 625
Senior - 1 year
Senior - 3 year
$75 / 225
Senior - 5 year
$72 / 360
Developing Country
(See Note)
 Note: Developing Country membership refers to those countries eligible for reduced annual Individual member dues as defined in INCOSE Policy MBR-100 and includes in one discounted dues level the countries entitled to both the 50% and 75% levels of discount.
The review of dues was conducted with the engagement of all chapter leads, coordinated by the Sector Directors, and the final details were set by a membership dues committee to which all chapter leads were invited. The BoD is very grateful to those individuals who contributed to this significant committee, as it was the first example of inviting direct chapter involvement in BoD decision-making.
The review considered all classes of membership, taking into account financial context, membership value, and the diversity inherent in INCOSE as a global organisation. As part of the review it was decided to make a modest increase to the regular membership dues, and to maintain the relative discounts for students, seniors, and multi-year memberships. We also maintained the current discounted membership rate for developing countries, which has remained unchanged since before the 2010 review.
The review committee did reflect on wider topics such as chapter shares and how developing country discounts are set, but concluded that these topics require wider consideration than is possible in a review of membership dues. As a result, the BoD will launch a  Review of Global Chapter Model, led by Jean-Claude Roussel (EMEA Sector Director). This review will continue the engagement approach of the dues review and will seek contributions from all chapters. Details of this review will be published early in 2015.

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Mission Engineering in Early Stage R&D

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