Oct 1, 2013, 00:00 AM
This is the start of a new series in October that repeats the one that started in April.
This is the start of a new series in October that repeats the one that started in April. This one repeats each 6 months.
Interested in receiving yourINCOSE Systems Engineering (SE) certification and becoming an International Council of Systems Engineering (INCOSE) Certified Systems Engineering Professional (CSEP) or an Associate SEP (ASEP)? The INCOSE Training Working Group, INCOSE Hampton Roads Area (HRA) Chapter, and Northrop Grumman Corporation (NGC) are hosting a tutorial webinar to help you learn SE and prepare for the certification exam. The tutorial is taught by John O. Clark, INCOSE Training Working Group Lead, HRA ChapterDirector of Training & Education, NG Corporate SE Instructor, and NG Information Systems (NGIS) SectorChief Engineer. The tutorial covers the certification process and the SE Handbook version 3.2.2. The tutorial also provides sample questions, tips, and personal help in SE and to fill-out your application. A certificate of completion is provided on request.
Beginning Thursday, October 3rd 2013 and running through March 2014, the tutorial consists of 16 weekly sessions, held from noon to 1:30 p.m., Eastern Time USA, for up to 300 INCOSE and 250 NGC participants. There is no need to pre-register and no cost, just join in. The LiveMeeting site opens 30 minutes before the start time and each session includes an additional 30 minutes after for Q&A. The schedule is subject to change, so check the site each morning before class to obtain the latest schedule.
Prior to each session, participants are encouraged to read the sections of the SE Handbook to be presented. Course materials include the tutorial slides (including PowerPoint Notes), sample questions, and prior-session audio and video recordings for later downloading if you miss a session.
- INCOSE members. You can access the course by using your personal INCOSE Connect username and password to access the Connect tutorial site and course materials atSE Handbook Tutorial or https://connect.incose.org/tut/sehandbook/default.aspx.If you do not know your personal Connect password, reset your password athttp://www.incose.org/membership/requestPWreset.cfm
- INCOSE Corporate Advisory Board (CAB) member organization current employees, including NGC current employees. As a current employee of a CAB organization, including NGC employees, you can access the courseatSE Handbook Tutorial. If your organization has set up a page on their intranet with information about INCOSE, you should find access information for the tutorial there. If not, please contact your CAB representative listedathttp://www.incose.org/about/organization/cab.cfmand ask them to provide the access information.
- NGC current employees.As a current employee of NGC, you can access the course via the NGCLync site and either use your headset or tell Lync to call your phone. Log-in to Lync early to check your access. For help with Lync, please refer to the resources available at Lync 2010 (Internal) which contains several user guides.If Lync is not accessible, either download the slides from theShareCenter site and call the telecon number listed there, or use theSE Handbook Tutorial site. If access to theShareCenter site isdenied,contact[email protected] early if access permission is needed. Because this is an external training event, NGC employees must follow export policy and procedures in order to attend. No U.S. DoD projects can be discussed.
For INCOSE, only US & Canada Toll and International Local telecon numbers are available due to the high costs incurred previously in providing the tutorial. The INCOSE telecon numbers are available attheSE Handbook Tutorial site, and the participant passcode is 7336579353, but please mute your phone! INCOSE Live Meeting use of Computer Audio is available to avoid costs, but please mute your microphone!