Jul 8, 2011, 00:00 AM
The 10th Annual Conference on Systems Engineering Research (CSER 2012 - 19-22 March 2012)) invites authors to submit papers
The 10th Annual Conference on Systems Engineering Research (CSER 2012 - 19-22 March 2012)) invites authors to submit papers that will push the boundaries of systems engineering research and respond to new challenges for systems architecting and engineering. (read more)
Topics of Interest:
Systems Architecting
* Systems and Enterprise Architecture
* Software Intensive Architecting
* Architecture Patterns
* Architecture Search Methods
* Architecture Assessment
Systems Science and Thinking
* Systems Engineering Methodologies
* Processes, and Frameworks
* Systems Engineering Education
* Systems Engineering
Research Methodology
* Natural Systems Science
Computational Approaches to Systems Engineering
* Model Applications and Approaches
* Model Based Systems Engineering
* Distributed Systems
* Networks and Graphs
* Computational Intelligence
* Machine Learning
* Agent Based Systems
Complex Systems
* Complex Adaptive Systems
* Systems of Systems and Complex Systems
* Emergent Behavior
* Learning, Agility,
and Adaptability
* Systems Dynamics
* Complex Systems Modeling
Multidisciplinary Application Domains
* Healthcare and Medical Informatics
* Sensors and Wireless Networks
* Communication Systems
* Cyber Security
* Environmental Systems
* Homeland Security
* Human Systems Integration
* Energy Generation and
Distribution Systems
* Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Railway Systems
* Modeling and Simulation
* Rapid Integrated System Development and Manufacturing
Advanced Systems Engineering Topics
* Platform Based Engineering
* Trusted System Design
* Model Based Engineering
* Adaptable Defense Systems
* Capability on Demand
* Real-time Adaptive Systems
* Rapidly Reconfigurable Systems
* Pre-planned Disposable Systems
* Trustworthy Systems
* Interoperability
* Integrated Systems and
Software Engineering
* Systems Assessment and Assurance
Applying Systems Engineering in Industry
* Systems Development
* Maturity, Acquisition,
Cost Estimating
* Systems Engineering Management
* Systems Development, Design
and Acquisition
Submitted papers are reviewed by senior researchers in the field to assure a high-quality publication and conference. Accepted papers will be published in peer reviewed conference proceedings and for planned inclusion in an online citation index.
Submission Dates:
* August 5, 2011 -- Abstract Due
* September 2, 2011 -- Full Paper Due
For more details on the submission process, go to
http://cser.mst.edu. If you have additional questions, please contact Missouri S&T?s Distance and Continuing Education Office at 573-341-6222 or by email at
[email protected].