Dec 17, 2007, 00:00 AM
Join the industry at the 7th National Space Systems Engineering and Risk Management Symposium February 26-29, 2008, at the Renaissance Montura Hotel in Los Angeles. The leaders in national security, civil and commercial space will share their views on best practices, lessons learned, policies, initiatives, and tools to ensure effective management in space program development and operation.
Featured Keynotes
• Lt. Gen. Michael A. Hamel, Commander, Space and Missile Systems Center, Air Force Space Command, Los Angeles AFB
• Dr. Wanda Austin, President and CEO, The Aerospace Corporation
• Dr. Elisabeth Paté-Cornell, Chair, Department of Management Science and Engineering, Stanford University
• Bryan O’Connor, Chief, Safety and Mission Assurance, NASA
Luncheon Speakers
• Elon Musk, CEO& CTO, SpaceX
• NASA Astronaut, TBA
An Executive Panel Discussion: “Risk-Informed Mission Assurance and Safety with Emphasis on Early Acquisition and Design” will be moderated by Doug Loverro, Executive Director, Space and Missile Systems Center, Los Angeles AFB. Noted panelists will include:
• Eugene L. Tattini, Deputy Director, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA
• Sonya Sephabon, Vice President and Chief Engineer, Northrop Grumman Space Technology
Pre-symposium Tutorials - February 26
SpaceX Tour - February 27
Vendor/Educator Expo - February 28
Symposium Chairs:
• Dr. Sumner Matsunaga, Chief Engineer/General Manager, The Aerospace Corporation
• Dr. Michael Stamatelatos, Director, Safety and Assurance Requirements Division, NASA Headquarters
• Col. James Horejsi, Director, Engineering and Architectures, Space and Missile Systems Center, Los Angeles AFB
• Thomas Fitzgerald, Director, Program Management and Integration, Space and Missile Systems Center, Los Angeles AFB