Sector III Speaker Program: The Next Generation Systems Modeling Language (SysML v2)

The Next Generation Systems Modeling Language (SysML v2)

2 May 2025
12:00 PM Australian Central Standard Time (Adelaide) 

India (IST) 7 AM
Thailand 8:30 AM
Singapore / China (CST) / Philippines / Perth (AWST) 9:30 AM
South Korea (KST) / Japan (JST) 10:30 AM
Adelaide (ACST) 12 PM
Eastern Australia (AEST) 12:30 PM
New Zealand (NZST) 2:30 PM

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Abstract: SysML v1 was adopted in 2007 and has been a key enabler of model-based systems engineering (MBSE). Since that time, much has been learned about applying MBSE with SysML. The next generation of SysML (v2) provides capabilities to enable the evolving practice of MBSE, and intended to significantly enhance the language precision, expressiveness, consistency, usability, interoperability, and extensibility, compared to SysML v1. The final adoption of SysML (v2) is expected to be approved by the Object Management Group (OMG) in mid-2025.  This presentation summarizes the SysML v2 motivation, its capabilities and how it contrasts with SysML v1, and considerations for transitioning to an MBSE approach with SysML v2.  

Bio: Sanford Friedenthal is an industry leader and independent consultant in model-based systems engineering (MBSE). He was formerly a Technical Fellow at Lockheed Martin, where he led the effort to enable Model-Based Systems Development (MBSD) and other advanced practices across the company. Mr. Friedenthal has been a leader of the industry standards effort through the Object Management Group (OMG) and INCOSE to develop the Systems Modeling Language (OMG SysML ®) that was adopted by the OMG in 2007. He is co-author of ‘A Practical Guide to SysML’ and ‘Architecting Spacecraft with SysML’.  Mr. Friedenthal more recently co-led the effort to develop the next generation of SysML (v2) and now co-chairs the OMG Systems Modeling Community (SMC) to further advance systems modeling practices.

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