INCOSE Atlanta: Introduction to the Decision Analysis Data Model
Introduction to the Decision Analysis Data Model
For this presentation, participants will learn about how the Decision Analysis Working Group (DAWG) conceptualized the Decision Analysis Data Model (DADM), creating a comprehensive data model that will be used to assist in the decision-making process for both current and future systems engineers. Members of the DAWG will walk the audience through a high-level overview of select processes in decision-making and the associated data elements to facilitate discussion as well as provide context for the activities that are in progress. Developed by the INCOSE Decision Analysis Working Group (DAWG), the DADM v1.0 was designed to enhance consistency and clarity in the decision-making processes. This comprehensive framework captures both data models and detailed decision analysis process models and integrates theoretical foundations with practical applications, allowing users to navigate the complexity of decision analyses effectively. It consists of three layers—a conceptual layer, a logical layer, and a physical layer—facilitating a holistic understanding and straightforward usability.
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