INCOSE Chicagoland Chapter: How to Make Money in the Systems Business

INCOSE Chicagoland Chapter:  How to Make Money in the Systems Business

Thursday, 1/16/2025 6:30 PM (CST)

When engineers pitch SE practices to management, it's not uncommon to hear back: "We can't afford to do all that, we are trying to make money around here!" There are value propositions for SE that will help convince certain audiences, but the people those arguments will influence aren't really doubters to begin with. This presentation flips the script. Instead of pushing SE based on all it can do for some soulless ungrateful company, we'll explore the pull of opportunity that "the system business" holds for those who are system-literate. Systems are as common as Carbon in the universe, and there are fortunes to be made in graphite as well as diamonds! Applying SE as a prospecting skill is the secret to recognizing and then ultimately monetizing that richness of opportunity. Whatever your objectives for the year, give yourself a head start with enhanced awareness of your value as a System Engineer and the unique revenue opportunities that arise as a result.

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