Webinar 176: RESCHEDULED - Agile SE Strategies, Purpose, & Values

Agile SE Strategies, Purpose, & Values

Wednesday, 2 October 2024 from 11:00am-12:00pm EDT (16:00-17:00 UTC)   

Speaker: Rick Dove

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Abstract: Agile systems engineering is a strategy-driven method for designing, building, sustaining, and evolving systems when knowledge is uncertain and/or environments are dynamic. Eight operational strategies for achieving this purpose are identified in the Systems Engineering Agility Primer. Each strategy delivers agility values by minimizing rework, maximizing quality, and facilitating innovation. How these strategies are able to deliver these values and contribute to the purpose in each of the eight strategies is explored in this webinar and underscored with in-practice examples. Intended purpose and values provides a means for assessing and improving effectiveness of strategies.

Bio: Rick Dove is an independent researcher, systems engineer, and project manager generally focused in the system security and system agility areas. He chairs the INCOSE working groups for System Security Engineering, and for Agile Systems and Systems Engineering; and leads INCOSE’s Future of Systems Engineering (FuSE) project areas for both systems engineering security and systems engineering agility. He is an INCOSE Fellow, and book author of Response Ability – The Language, Structure, and Culture of the Agile Enterprise.

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