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The next SySTEAM general body meeting (GBM) will be held on Thursday, February 27, 2025, at 10AM Eastern.
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Systems Engineering Day 2024 - Tutorial Day
Webinar 15:00 UTC: K-12 Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education
K-12 STEM - Do you know what this is? Why is it important to you? What are the key issues? Is it just a U.S. issue? Is INCOSE Engaged? What can you do to help?
INCOSE Webinar: K-12 Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education
Date: 18 Nov 2009
Time: 15:00 UTC
Presenter(s): Paul Robitaille
General Webinar Details:
K-12 STEM - Do you know what this is? Why is it important to you? What are the key issues? Is it just a U.S. issue? Is INCOSE Engaged? What can you do to help?
Paul Robitaille, past president of INCOSE and now the INCOSE Ambassador for Youth Outreach, (K-PhD) will present the INCOSE plan for related activities in 2010 and his
vision for a library of Age 5-18 (Grades K-12) Engineering Education outreach assets. Why is this important to you? Do you know what the key issues are in this arena? What is it you can do to get involved?
Mr. Robitaille is the Technical Lead for New Business Capture at MS2 Tactical Systems San Diego. His former assignment was Director and Corporate Fellow for Systems Engineering at Lockheed Martin where he worked at LM Corporate Headquarters in Bethesda, Maryland. In this capacity he was responsible for the improvement and oversight of Systems Engineering across the corporation. He spends a significant amount of his time working with programs to assure systems engineering is being effectively applied and also chairs a 26 person Systems Engineering Council of senior Systems Engineers from each Lockheed Martin Business Unit. The council’s charter is to improve the processes, tools and training for Systems engineers throughout the company and share best practices.
Mr. Robitaille has over 30 years of industry experience and formerly worked for Raytheon and GTE Strategic Systems prior to Joining Martin Marietta in Denver, Colorado. He has worked on a wide range of Aerospace and Defense Programs and also was Technical Director on a commercial jet engine thrust reverser program for the Pratt & Whitney 4168 engine. Prior to entering industry Mr. Robitaille served eight years with the U.S. Navy as a gun and missile fire control technician. He holds a BS in Natural Science from Towson State University in Maryland.
Mr. Robitaille was the former President of the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) and was also a member of the OSD SE Council, USAF Center for Systems Engineering Senior Council and also served on the Stevens Institute Systems Engineering College Board of Advisors.
He is active in several community outreach programs.
Instructions for viewing the webinar are found in the joining instructions on the INCOSE Connect website, in the Webinar Discussion Forum area:
Webinar 15:00 UTC: K-12 Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education
K-12 STEM - Do you know what this is? Why is it important to you? What are the key issues? Is it just a U.S. issue? Is INCOSE Engaged? What can you do to help?
INCOSE Webinar: K-12 Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education
Date: 18 Nov 2009
Time: 15:00 UTC
Presenter(s): Paul Robitaille
General Webinar Details:
K-12 STEM - Do you know what this is? Why is it important to you? What are the key issues? Is it just a U.S. issue? Is INCOSE Engaged? What can you do to help?
Paul Robitaille, past president of INCOSE and now the INCOSE Ambassador for Youth Outreach, (K-PhD) will present the INCOSE plan for related activities in 2010 and his
vision for a library of Age 5-18 (Grades K-12) Engineering Education outreach assets. Why is this important to you? Do you know what the key issues are in this arena? What is it you can do to get involved?
Mr. Robitaille is the Technical Lead for New Business Capture at MS2 Tactical Systems San Diego. His former assignment was Director and Corporate Fellow for Systems Engineering at Lockheed Martin where he worked at LM Corporate Headquarters in Bethesda, Maryland. In this capacity he was responsible for the improvement and oversight of Systems Engineering across the corporation. He spends a significant amount of his time working with programs to assure systems engineering is being effectively applied and also chairs a 26 person Systems Engineering Council of senior Systems Engineers from each Lockheed Martin Business Unit. The council’s charter is to improve the processes, tools and training for Systems engineers throughout the company and share best practices.
Mr. Robitaille has over 30 years of industry experience and formerly worked for Raytheon and GTE Strategic Systems prior to Joining Martin Marietta in Denver, Colorado. He has worked on a wide range of Aerospace and Defense Programs and also was Technical Director on a commercial jet engine thrust reverser program for the Pratt & Whitney 4168 engine. Prior to entering industry Mr. Robitaille served eight years with the U.S. Navy as a gun and missile fire control technician. He holds a BS in Natural Science from Towson State University in Maryland.
Mr. Robitaille was the former President of the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) and was also a member of the OSD SE Council, USAF Center for Systems Engineering Senior Council and also served on the Stevens Institute Systems Engineering College Board of Advisors.
He is active in several community outreach programs.
Instructions for viewing the webinar are found in the joining instructions on the INCOSE Connect website, in the Webinar Discussion Forum area:
Webinar 15:00 UTC: K-12 Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education
K-12 STEM - Do you know what this is? Why is it important to you? What are the key issues? Is it just a U.S. issue? Is INCOSE Engaged? What can you do to help?
INCOSE Webinar: K-12 Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education
Date: 18 Nov 2009
Time: 15:00 UTC
Presenter(s): Paul Robitaille
General Webinar Details:
K-12 STEM - Do you know what this is? Why is it important to you? What are the key issues? Is it just a U.S. issue? Is INCOSE Engaged? What can you do to help?
Paul Robitaille, past president of INCOSE and now the INCOSE Ambassador for Youth Outreach, (K-PhD) will present the INCOSE plan for related activities in 2010 and his
vision for a library of Age 5-18 (Grades K-12) Engineering Education outreach assets. Why is this important to you? Do you know what the key issues are in this arena? What is it you can do to get involved?
Mr. Robitaille is the Technical Lead for New Business Capture at MS2 Tactical Systems San Diego. His former assignment was Director and Corporate Fellow for Systems Engineering at Lockheed Martin where he worked at LM Corporate Headquarters in Bethesda, Maryland. In this capacity he was responsible for the improvement and oversight of Systems Engineering across the corporation. He spends a significant amount of his time working with programs to assure systems engineering is being effectively applied and also chairs a 26 person Systems Engineering Council of senior Systems Engineers from each Lockheed Martin Business Unit. The council’s charter is to improve the processes, tools and training for Systems engineers throughout the company and share best practices.
Mr. Robitaille has over 30 years of industry experience and formerly worked for Raytheon and GTE Strategic Systems prior to Joining Martin Marietta in Denver, Colorado. He has worked on a wide range of Aerospace and Defense Programs and also was Technical Director on a commercial jet engine thrust reverser program for the Pratt & Whitney 4168 engine. Prior to entering industry Mr. Robitaille served eight years with the U.S. Navy as a gun and missile fire control technician. He holds a BS in Natural Science from Towson State University in Maryland.
Mr. Robitaille was the former President of the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) and was also a member of the OSD SE Council, USAF Center for Systems Engineering Senior Council and also served on the Stevens Institute Systems Engineering College Board of Advisors.
He is active in several community outreach programs.
Instructions for viewing the webinar are found in the joining instructions on the INCOSE Connect website, in the Webinar Discussion Forum area:
Mar 10, 2025
Feb 28, 2025
Feb 27, 2025
Feb 26, 2025
Feb 19, 2025
Healthcare Working Group Conference 2025 Announcement
SELab Demo Days - Dassault Systemes
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