Professional Competencies & Soft Skills Working Group

Advocating for professional competency and soft skills development for all systems engineers.

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Working Group Purpose & Mission


Advocate the development of Professional and Soft Skills for Systems Engineers.


Transformation Enablers

TechOps Domain






Sean McCoy


Cliff Whitcomb


This working group addresses Professional and Soft Skills of all types for Systems Engineering. The needs for Systems Engineers are considered specialized and require information and examples beyond what is available in generic personal and professional development programs.

Professional competencies and  soft-skills have become increasingly important as individuals advance their careers and develop their responsibilities. Anecdotal evidence indicates that the more generalized training and material that is available for soft-skills often misses the mark for individuals with an engineering background.  This working group will seek to take advantage of the opportunity available provided by the engineers within INCOSE that have developed their soft-skills. This working group will leverage their knowledge and experience to create material that explains the value, purpose, and mechanics of soft-skills in terms that an engineer can understand and relate to.


Provide a network of individuals and resources that can assist Systems Engineers develop expertise in Professional and Soft Skills.


  • Completed providing input to the INCOSE SE Handbook 5th Edition
  • Completed review of Professional and Soft Skills for the Systems Engineering Competency Assessment Guide.
  • Currently working on planning for future outcomes

IW23: International Workshop Focus

The Professional and Soft Skills Working Group will not be meeting at the IW 2023.


Planned Activities

  • Planning for future outcomes.

Planned Work Products

  • No work products planned.


Yammer is INCOSE's social media platform for members. Use your INCOSE-issued Microsoft credential to login and join the conversation. INCOSE credentials are in the form of [email protected] or [email protected].   

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