Systems Engineering Tools Database Working Group

Provides the systems engineering community a reliable source of information about software tools they are using or wish to use while executing their business processes throughout a product lifecycle.

Working Group Mission:

To develop and maintain the INCOSE/PPI Systems Engineering Tools Database (SETDB) as a resource for members to search for and obtain tool information to support their business processes.

Transformation Enablers Domain

817 Working Group Members

384 Viva Engage (Yammer) Members 

Established in 2019

2023 Usage Metrics

10,027 Casual Users

8,345 General Users

2024 Tool Metrics

810 Tools

218 Tool Vendors


John Nallon


Stéphane Lacrampe

René King

Inquiries and Questions:


In collaboration with Product Performance International (PPI) the Systems Engineering Tools Database Working Group (SETDB WG) develops, maintains and supports the INCOSE/PPI Systems Engineering Tools Database.

  1. Create and maintain the Systems Engineering Tools Database system models, specifications and operational procedures.
  2. Initiate, create, verify, maintain and continually improve the design and functionality of the SETDB including stakeholder identification, functional analysis, requirements analysis, validation & verification and issue management.
  3. Create and maintain a dialogue with the supporting working groups to author, review and approve for their appropriate tool surveys.
  4. In collaboration with Product Performance International (PPI) define, design, implement and maintain the SETDB functionality and content.
  5. The SETDB WG will assist INCOSE IT and INCOSE Central with the administration and maintenance of the SETDB Website, the SETDB WG Website and all informational contents.


  • To provide the systems engineering community a reliable source of information about tools they are using or wish to use while executing their business processes in the product lifecycle.
  • To maintain a mapping of tool categories to the systems engineering processes defined in ISO 15288, the systems engineering processes defined by the INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook and the PPI systems engineering process elements.
  • To define, design, implement and maintain the operations of the Systems Engineering Tools Database for the INCOSE membership and PPI clients.

Current Activities

  1. The Systems Engineering Tools Database IW2024 Release has been deployed and  can be accessed at:
  2. INCOSE MARCOM, SETDB leadership and PPI Publicity leaders are developing a new communication and marketing approach for the SETDB to help attract new members to INCOSE and existing members to the system.
  3. SETDB development, maintenance and support is on-going with regular releases coinciding with the International Workshops and Symposiums. If you would like to assist with the execution of our product lifecycle process, please send us a message to [email protected] to let us know. We would love to add you to the team.
  4. Process and Tool Category Mapping to INCOSE SEH v5 is underway! We can use your help! 
  5. System Testing and Requirement Verification and Validation is in progress for the upcoming release for IS 2024.
  6. The integration with the INCOSE SE Lab is now active and all SE Lab tools are now and will be in the SETDB and supported by the Tool Vendors.

Our SETDB Yammer Community is active and has reached 387 members! Come join us!!

 Help improve the system with additional features, vendor and tool additions, data error corrections by using the Contact SETDB Support

IW 2025 Winter Workshop

A new software release is in development to update the Taxonomy with an update SE HDBK 4th Edition mapping to the tool categories and the addition of the SE HDBK 5th Edition processes. This release will complete the requirements specified in the SETDB System Requirements Specification (CapSyRS). There are several requested features and capabilities that are also being included to enhance the tool Vendor and Administration capabilities. The Administrators will be able to e-mail announcements to ALL tool vendors regarding SETDB news, updates and actions needed or requested by users. 

      Would you like to stay informed?

       Join the SETDB Viva Engage Community to see announcements, conversations and updates!

Join the Working Group on your INCOSE Member Profile to get our e-mail newsletters.

Planned Activities

  • Continue SETDB Development to provide new features, improvements and database growth.
  • Continuous vetting of new tools vendors and tools prior to publishing as well as insuring tool info is updated regularly.
  • Continue SETDB operational support (INCOSE Helpdesk, PPI Helpdesk, tool loading, marketing, training Rep Users).
  • Support INCOSE MARCOM to grow our marketing and communications activities and opportunities.
  • Event planning for IW 2025 and IS 2025

Planned Work Products

  • Semi-annual product releases with new features and content
  • Training and How-to videos for users and administrators
  • Additional tool category surveys for vendors
  • Incorporate SEHv5 into the Process Mappings
  • Upgrade of system models and specifications
  • Completion and Release of all SETDB Operational Procedures
  • Add more tools to the system (continuous activity)
  • Add more tool vendors to the system (continuous activity
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