Risk Management Working Group (RMWG)

Risk and Opportunity Management: Integral to All Processes

Working Group Purpose & Mission


The purpose of the INCOSE Risk Management Working Group (RMWG) is to advance knowledge, common understanding, and quality of practice of risk and opportunity management in the systems engineering community worldwide.

Our mission is to develop value-added technical products and participative activities which help INCOSE members effectively and efficiently implement risk and opportunity management.

Risk Management WG (Hybrid) Meetings During IW2025 (Available by Zoom)

Three Meetings: 
VIEW FLYER for Details.


(1) Presentation: "Integrated Risk Management for Systems Engineering"
Sat 1 Feb, 4pm CES (10am EST) - Triana 4

(2) Risk Management WG Information & Future Planning Session
Sun 2 Feb, 2:30pm CES (8:30am EST) - Andalucia 3

(3) Multi-WG Forum on Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS)
Mon 3 Feb, 3:30pm CES (9:30am EST) - Triana 3

Three Meetings: VIEW FLYER for Details.



2025 Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS) Conference.
Conference Location: MIT Campus, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.
Hosted by MIT-SDM and INCOSE New England Chapter
Conference Dates: March 5-7, 2025.

MDSRM2 Conference Approaching
2nd Annual International Medical Device Safety Risk Management Conference.
Conference Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Conference Dates: April 24-25, 2025.
Learn More About MDSRM2

Monthly (2nd Thursday) RMWG Volunteer's Meeting Sign-Up  
Purpose: IW2025 Planning & RMWG Volunteer On-Boarding.
Two Meeting Time Options: (1) 6-7am EST. (2) 2-3pm EST.
Four Meeting Dates Scheduled: Nov 14, Dec 12, Jan 9 and Feb 13. 
Register to obtain Zoom "Join" and "Add-to-Calendar" Links
Session 1 (6-7am EST)  /  Session 2 (2-3pm EST)

TechOps Domain:

Process Enablers

Number of Members:

900 - 1000

Established in:



Jack Stein, Bob Parro, Ann Brown, Laurie Bowman


The RMWG scope includes Risk and Opportunity Management process, methods and tools as they relate to Risk Management within the context of Systems Engineering (SE) throughout the lifecycle.

This framing definition excludes Opportunity Management that would apply to business enterprise or service activities pursued outside the context of Risk Management, and Risk and Opportunity Management outside the context of Systems Engineering (SE)


The goals and initiatives of the RMWG are to:
  • Provide a forum for INCOSE risk management practitioners to present research and analysis results, discuss problems, and put forth improvement ideas.
  • Establish a system to form liaisons with other WGs interested in integrating risk (and opportunity) management with other SE processes. This goal supports (a) Clause 7 in the new edition of ISO/IEC/IEEE 16085, "Systems and software engineering — Life cycle processes — Risk management,"    which is an elaboration standard for ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288, "Systems and software engineering — System life cycle processes,"  and (b) the revised Risk Management Process section of the 5th Edition of the INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook, which was recently published in the summer of 2023.
  • To head off expected increased activity, implement a process for recruiting and engaging INCOSE members to volunteer to help with the Risk Management WG.
  • Establish and maintain a process for collecting and consolidating input to be used for updating the INCOSE Handbook risk and opportunity management sections.
  • Generate specific work products for consideration as input to the INCOSE Handbook, SEBoK, International Standards, and others.
  • Develop and maintain a presentation explaining the benefits of risk and opportunity management, which can be used by members for promoting the application of risk and opportunity management practices.

RMWG Volunteer Openings

The INCOSE Risk Management Working Group (RMWG) has openings in the following areas:  

  • Writers/Authors - The RMWG is involved with the development of a number publications, and is continually producing written material. If you enjoy writing and have an interest in risk (and/or opportunity) management please contact us.
  • Presenters/Speakers - The RMWG is often asked to provide speakers and presenters for meetings and events, and has its own platform for putting on webinars, meetings, and workshops. If interested, please contact us. 
  • Technical Program Development - The RMWG is embarking on a new initiative to reach out and build relationships within INCOSE and to organizations, groups, and individuals outside INCOSE. We are in need of individuals to plan, lead and help with this activity. Please contact us if interested.
  • WG Management and Operations - Running the RMWG requires significant volunteer time and effort. We have openings in leadership team positions, and in areas such as communications, membership engagement, web/IT support, meeting hosting, and more. If interested in "making the working group work," please contact us.

Our Focus at the International Workshop (IW2025)

The Risk Management WG has planned three (3) hybrid open meetings during IW2025. The third meeting was organized in collaboration with the Systems Adaptability WG and the organizing committee of the upcoming 2025 Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS2025) Conference to be held on campus at MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA, March 5-7, 2025. Details (and a Flyer) for these meeting are posted above on this webpage. In recent years, a number of international and industry standards, guidelines, and handbooks that directly and indirectly impact systems engineering have introduced new and revised sets of principles and practices aimed at accomplishing transformational change and improvement through risk (and opportunity) management. These principles and practices include, for example, the design and implementation of management systems and frameworks for creating a culture and organization-wide mindset of "risk-based thinking," as well as structures for "integrating risk and opportunity management with all organizational processes." The INCOSE Risk Management WG participated in both the development of ISO/IEC/IEEE 16085:2021, "Systems and software engineering — Life cycle processes — Risk management," and the corresponding updates to the 5th Edition of the INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook, which elaborate on the new principles and practices in the context of systems engineering. In the interest of creating awareness and supporting the implementation of these new principles and practices, the Risk Management WG has decided to focus on the following at IW2025:

  • Strengthen relationships with WGs interested in establishing a relationship with the Risk Management WG for the purpose of integrating risk (and opportunity) management with the SE process(es) they are associated with.
  • Attract additional volunteers to help and better achieve our Mission and Purpose. We are especially in need of additional volunteers from the INCOSE EMEA and Asia-Oceana Sectors.
  • MEETINGS AT IW2025 - Our meeting information is posted above near the top of this webpage.

Outcomes at IW2025:

Our summary of outcomes for the Risk Management WG activities at the IW2025 will be posted below as the IW2025 unfolds over the upcoming days, Feb 1-4:

  • The three (hybrid) Risk Management WG meetings scheduled during the IW2025 are shown below. Outcomes resulting from these meetings will be added after the meetings are held:
    • Meeting #1: Technical Presentation on "Integrated Risk Management for Systems Engineering" - This meeting went well with 32 attendees in all: Ten (10) in the "in-person" meeting room in Seville, and 22 through Zoom, from remote locations around the world. The presentation informed attendees about recent and new developments in risk management practices, both in general per ISO 31000, and more specifically, as described in the INCOSE SE Handbook, 5th edition, and Clause 7 of ISO/IEC/IEEE 16085:2021. The presentation was followed by Q&A.
    • Meeting #2: Risk Management WG Information & Future Planning Session - This meeting went well with 17 attendees in all: Six (6) in the "in-person" meeting room in Seville, and 11 through Zoom, from remote locations around the world. Participants were informed about past and current activities and work produced of the Risk Management WG, and engaged actively in interactive discussions and poll survey questions answered though an on-line survey app. The results of the survey will be tabulated and summarized over the next week, and made available for viewing on this webpage and use at our next WG members meeting.           
    • Meeting #3: Multi-WG Open Forum on Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS) - This meeting went well with 52 attendees in all: Ten (10) in the "in-person" meeting room in Seville, and 42 through Zoom, from remote locations around the world. The Risk Management WG was one of more than 10 WGs that actively participated in organizing, providing presentations for, conduction the meeting. However, volunteers from the Risk Management WG played a significant role in planning and developing promotional material for the Session, and lead the on-line and "in-person" hosting. A highlight of the meeting was a presentation from the 3 Chairs of the CAS2025 (Complex Adaptive Systems) Conference, Dr. Cihan Dagli (Missouri S&T), Bryan Moser (MIT), and Dr. Haifeng Zhu (Boeing). The CAS2025 Conference will be held on-campus at MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA, March 5-7, 2025. INCOSE WG Leaders and members interesting in participating in organizing, conducting, and/or attending a INCOSE Multi-WG Workshop and Panel at the conference were invited to contact the conference Chairs.

Planned Activities

  • Continued support of the SEH 5th Edition project.
  • Education and awareness presentations on the new publication ISO/IEC/IEEE 16085:2021 "Systems and software engineering - Life cycle processes - Risk management," an elaboration standard augmenting 15288.
  • Coordination with the Requirements (and Needs) WG on topics related to "cross-cutting" (integration) of risk management and requirements/needs definition across all SE life cycle processes and key relevant key INCOSE WGs.
  • Support the INCOSE Systems Engineering Heuristics Team in the development of risk management related heuristics.
  • Support the Infrastructure WG in developing risk management related content for the updated edition of the "Systems Engineering for Infrastructure Projects" publication.
  • Production of one or more professionally produced videos about Risk Management in SE and the activities and benefits of the Risk Management WG.

Planned Work Products

  • Content for the SEH 5th Edition Risk Management Process and related sections.
  • A Risk Management Guide paralleling the Needs and Requirements Manual currently under development has been proposed.
  • One or professionally produced (short) informational videos about Risk Management for SE and the Risk Management WG.
  • Regular "Featured Presentations" at Risk Management WG bi-monthly meetings with 1-2 going on for consideration as internationally promoted INCOSE Webinars


Yammer is INCOSE's social media platform for members. Use your INCOSE-issued Microsoft credential to login and join the conversation. INCOSE credentials are in the form of [email protected] or [email protected].   

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