Object-Oriented SE Method Working Group

Combine the best object-oriented techniques and notations with time-tested systems engineering knowledge to form a world-class systems engineering method.

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Working Group Purpose & Mission


Evolve, extend, and advance the use of the Object-Oriented Systems Engineering Method (OOSEM) to drive greater quality, consistency, compatibility, and value to the practice of MBSE across the systems engineering community

  • Evolve OOSEM to address evolving needs and incorporate lessons learned from 15+ years of using SysML v1
  • Extend OOSEM to leverage SysML v2 capabilities
  • Facilitate the use of OOSEM in the MBSE community through outreach and impactful products
  • Maintain and evolve the Model Based Capability Matrix (MBCM) to assess and improve MBSE effectiveness

Current resources on OOSEM:

The most comprehensive description of the OOSEM method can be found in Chapter 17 of the book, A Practical Guide to SysML, Third Edition, by Sanford Friedenthal, Alan Moore, and Rick Steiner. This chapter also illustrates the method with example views from a SysML model developed using the method.

Mary Tolbert, working with Sanford Friedenthal, has developed a model of the OOSEM process using the Eclipse Process Framework. To view the model, download OOSEM Process Baseline (1/2020), extract the contents of the zip file, open the oosem_process_baseline folder, and then open the index.html file.

Transformation Enablers

TechOps Domain






  • Develop, evolve, and advance MBSE Methodology in both the large and the small
    • Incrementally evolve OOSEM to incorporate practices consistent with process standards such as ISO 15288
    • Promote a full life cycle approach to adopting, implementing, and evolving MBSE in an organization
  • Collaboration and information exchange within and outside of INCOSE
    • Within INCOSE – integrate OOSEM with Working Group best practices
      • Identify Working Group focal points
    • With the OMG Systems Modeling Community (SMC)
      • Develop SysML v2 modeling patterns
      • Improve consistency of MBSE practice and interoperability of SysML v2 models
    • Other professional societies and coalitions
  • Sharing of experiences among members of the WG
    • Solicit input for case studies
    • Identify lessons learned from use of OOSEM and MBCM and other methods
    • Converge to consensus on best practices
  • Review of related work
    • e.g., case studies, major research efforts by graduate students
  • Review and evaluation of tool support for OOSEM
  • Outreach, education, training, and development of materials
    • To facilitate dissemination and adoption of OOSEM


  • Evolve OOSEM to v2 and publish as an INCOSE Product
  • Evolve MBCM to v2 and publish as an INCOSE Product
  • Advance adoption and convergence of MBSE


  • Advance the state of the practice of MBSE by accelerating convergence toward best practices, improving MBSE adoption and implementation outcomes, and elevating the discipline of MBSE practitioners
  • Collaboration with the Object Management Group on development of OOSEM v2 and SysML v2 modeling guidance
  • Collaboration within INCOSE on a shared vision and consistent guidance on MBSE implementation

IW25: International Workshop Focus

Formally kick off the restart of the Working Group with the goal of updating OOSEM and the Model-based Capability Matrix.

Planned Activities

  • Monthly status and outreach meetings to share progress of OOSEM WG product development and other activiites
  • Regular meetings of product development teams
  • Collaborations with other INCOSE WGs, OMG System Modeling Community, and other coalitions

Planned Work Products


  • Authoritative documentation of the method
  • Process model
  • Example model(s) in SysML v2
  • MBCM v2

  • Authoritative documentation of the MBCM and methodology
  • Workbooks and related artifacts
  • MBCM SysML model

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