Architecture Working Group

Establish Thought Leadership in Architecture and improve the adoption of Architectures in Systems Engineering

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Working Group Purpose & Mission


The purpose of the Architecture Working Group (ArchWG) is to expand the practice of architecture and advance the body of knowledge.

This working group facilitates evolution of the practice, focusing on Enterprise, System, Software, and Hardware architectures. It supports collaboration across INCOSE working groups, other engineering disciplines and organizations, and international bodies with a common interest in architecture.

Architecture activities define a solution based on principles, concepts, and properties logically related to and consistent with each other. The solution has features, properties, and characteristics which satisfy, as far as possible, the problem or opportunity expressed by a set of requirements (traceable to mission, business and stakeholder requirements) and life cycle concepts (e.g., operational, support).


Process Enablers

TechOps Domain






Anand Kumar

Jean-Luc Garnier

Rolf Siegers


The ArchWG addresses the domains of Enterprise, System, Software, and Hardware architecture.

Architecture WG Mission / Context


The members of the ArchWG are practitioners, researchers and other stakeholders concerned by Enterprise, System, Software, and Hardware Architectures. The ArchWG seeks to accomplish standing goals. Additional goals may be defined each year at the INCOSE International Workshop. Our standing goals are as follows:

  1. Advance and evolve the architecture body of knowledge.
  2. Promote the use and practice of architecture principles.
  3. Share best practices for the use of architecture in enterprise, business, program, and/or project context.
  4. Develop and/or mature the practice of architecture within ArchWG members’ home organizations.
  5. Expand support of architecture-related standards and specifications.
  6. Identify trends of architecture practices, architecting styles, and architecture kinds and patterns.
  7. Identify and frame tools, processes, and methods related to architecture and architecting.

These goals are conducted in association with other bodies where appropriate. For example, over several years, ISO JTC1/SC7/WG42, (the Architecture Working Group of the Joint ISO-IEC Technical Committee) has been a "customer" for ArchWG input. Collaborations with the ISO TC 184/SC5 (Interoperability, integration, and architectures for enterprise systems and automation applications), the IEEE, and the Object Management Group (OMG) are also established.




 The ArchWG aims to provide a variety of products and services, including:

  1. Support to INCOSE events at Worldwide, Chapter and Sector levels

  2. Conference and journal papers

  3. INCOSE-restricted and publicly available articles, papers, webinars, videos, etc.

  4. Guidance documents, tutorials and primers

  5. Review and input to external publications (e.g., architecture standards)

  6. Case studies and examples

  7. Technical reports and specifications


IW Focus

  1. To identify products and activities to support INCOSE's Future of Systems Engineering (FUSE) initiative.
  2. To provide a means to improve architecture practices and standards.
  3. To collaborate on how to improve each architect's proficiency in the architecture practice.
  4. To liaise with external architecture communities and also with other INCOSE working groups, identifying projects/activities where the ArchWG can contribute.
  5. To explore the architecture landscape to understand what is going on outside our ArchWG and determine if engagement is appropriate.|
  6. To update the ArchWG about ongoing architecture-related products, activities, and competencies.
  7. To provide a refresh about the INCOSE ArchWG collaborative platform.


Planned Activities

1) Review of Architecture-related Standards:

  • ISO/IEC/IEEE 42024: Enterprise, systems and software -- Architecture fundamentals
  • ISO/IEC/IEEE 42042: Enterprise, systems and software -- Reference architectures
  • ISO/IEC 30141: Internet of Things (IoT) -- Reference architecture
  • ISO/IEC 30188: Digital Twin -- Reference architecture

Lead: Anand Kumar

2) Project: How to 'Grow' an Architect 

Leads: Rolf Siegers, Jean-Luc Garnier

Multiple Contexts

  • Type of architect: systems, software, enterprise, hardware
  • Level of learning material: introductory, mid-career, advanced learning
  • Learning deployment approaches: in person & online; textual and audio/video
  • Cost: free and fee-based

Planned Work

1) Architecture Conceptualization Primer

Leads: Anand Kumar, James Martin, Tim Rabbets

2) Architecture Enablement Primer

Leads: Anand Kumar, Jean-Luc Garnier

3) Architecting and Architecture Primer

Leads: Anand Kumar, Jean-Luc Garnier, Tim Rabbets

4) Enterprise Architecture Primer

Leads: Jean-Luc Garnier, James Martin, Peter Bernus, Anand Kumar

5) Future of Architecting: A Point of View

Leads: Anand Kumar, Jean-Luc Garnier, Rolf Siegers, James Martin


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