SOAR Chapter Speaker Series - INCOSE SE Vision 2025 - David Long, ESEP

Marshall Mattingly
[email protected]

Multiple locations and online through GlobalMeet. See our chapter website and the upcoming announcements for more information.

Systems engineering is a practice and a profession in transition. In 2014, INCOSE published Systems Engineering Vision 2025, a vision of how the world is changing and where we believed systems engineering must be in 2025 to deliver the necessary results. But today’s world moves fast. The needs and nature of the systems we engineer are changing at an unprecedented rate. So too are the tools we leverage and the context within which we operate. As we work to transform Vision 2025 into reality, the challenge itself continues to evolve. Four years later, where have we made progress and where are we falling short? More importantly, as we look beyond Vision 2025, what do we see – in the world around us, in the systems we must engineer, in our practice and profession? What must we do to engineer our future?

David Long, ESEP and INCOSE Past President (2014-2015) will update us on the INCOSE Systems Engineering Vision 2025.  Please come hear and engage in this important conversation on the direction of our systems engineering practice.

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