Agile SE As Risk Management - A SOAR/CAZ/Enchantment Workshop in Tucson

University of Arizona Campus.

Southern Arizona INCOSE

Invites our members to a 2-day tutorial on Agile SE

Agile SE as Risk Management Workshop
Problem Space Analysis & Solution Space Synthesis

Date:April 27-28, 2018
Time:9 AM - 5 PM
The University of Arizona Campus Recreation Center
1400 E. Sixth Street
Parents Association Conference Room (PACR)
Tucson, AZ 85721

Thank you for being a valued member of Southern Arizona INCOSE (SOARizona) Professional Chapter follow the link to the eventbrite page and purchase your ticket for our workshop.

As a member the price will be$100
Use special promo code:


If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.


Rick Dove
CEO/CTO Paradigm Shift International
Chair: INCOSE Agile Systems and Systems Engineering Working Group

Rick Dove is a leading researcher, practitioner, and educator of fundamental principles for agile enterprise, agile systems, and agile development processes. In 1991 he initiated the global interest in agility as co-PI on the seminal 21st Century Manufacturing Enterprise Strategy project at Lehigh University. Subsequently he organized and led collaborative research at the DARPA-funded Agility Forum, involving 250 organizations and 1000 participants in workshop discovery of fundamental enabling principles for agile systems and processes. He is CEO of Paradigm Shift International, specializing in agile systems research, engineering, and education; and is an adjunct professor at Stevens Institute of Technology teaching graduate courses in agile and self-organizing systems. He chairs the INCOSE working groups for Agile Systems and Systems Engineering, and for Systems Security Engineering, and is the leader of the current INCOSE Agile Systems Engineering Life Cycle Model Discovery Project. He is an INCOSE Fellow, and the author of Response Ability – the Language, Structure, and Culture of the Agile Enterprise

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