Tutorial: Heidi Hahn and Ann Hodges, Integrating Systems Engineering, Project Management and Quality Management

Albuquerque , USA
UNM Continuing Education Conference Center, 1634 University Blvd. NE
Ann Hodges
[email protected]

Look at Tutorial Flyer for map

Recently there has been growing interest in applying systems engineering (SE) and project management (PM) to complex engineering projects in an integrated way – INCOSE has formed an alliance with the Project Management Institute (PMI) and chartered a SE-PM Working Group for this purpose, for example.

Both Sandia National Laboratories and Los Alamos National Laboratory have taken up this quest, and have each developed what they call their Mission Assurance Framework, which describes the integrated application of SE, PM, and engineering quality and rigor (which is one area of overlap in the specializations claimed by both disciplines, along with topics such as stakeholder analysis and configuration management) to achieve mission success.

The presenters will describe their organizations’ Mission Assurance Framework, including similarities and differences, and discuss what factors drove the decisions that were made. Participants will work through a series of questions to consider in making integration decisions for their own organizations.

The goal of the tutorial is to instill an appreciation for the benefits of a graded approach to applying a mission assurance framework, and how to apply the ideas discussed in the participants’

 Flyer and Registration link at Library & Resources/Tutorials tab.

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