Jan 16, 2015, 00:00 AM
With the upgrade of our INCOSE web presence, our Connect collaboration space will have a new look based on SharePoint 2013. This new Connect becomes active to attendees at the International Workshop in Torrance, CA on 23 January 2015. In mid-February all members will benefit from the new Connect when the new
www.incose.org goes live.
To prepare for this transition and to ensure the minimum disruption to Connect users, all sites on the old Connect will be set to READ ONLY on 30 January (for groups meeting at IW see below). These sites will remain visible to members until the new INCOSE web presence goes live in mid-February.
We did not migrate Old Connect sites that had no activity in 2014 to the new Connect. However, we have archived those sites and may migrate them on a case-by-case basis after the new INCOSE web presence goes live.
IW Attendees
If you attend IW, you will receive an email with login credentials for the beta version of the new INCOSE web presence. All old Connect sites for groups meeting at IW will be set to READ ONLY on 20 January. These groups will be using the new Connect. If you provided your requested list of WG members they will already have access to SharePoint as members of the Working Group. If these were not provided, then you can “join” a Working Group when you update your Profile after creating a permanent password in your new INCOSE Member Portal. Instructions will be provided prior to IW to help with familiarity of the new features – watch your e-mail!
When the INCOSE web presence goes live, all members who logged in during IW will use their credentials to enter the members only areas (e.g., Connect, Member Profile). All Connect content created during IW will remain accessible via the beta site and remain visible after the go live.