Jan 12, 2015, 00:00 AM
Your INCOSE Board of Directors have made an improved IT capability and web presence a priority for this year. Earlier last year we let three contracts to build our new public website for incose.org and chapters, a new member services capability for members and our central office staff, and a new INCOSE Connect using SharePoint 2013. Members entering the members-only areas will only require a single sign on. A dedicated team of INCOSE member volunteers and central office staff have overseen the contractors and the integration of the three elements into a single integrated capability.
The project now nears completion with these activities:
· Soft-Launch of the new INCOSE web presence at the International Workshop in Torrance, CA from 24-27 January 2015. All registered attendees will receive login credentials, may use the capability which includes the new Connect collaboration space, and give the volunteer team feedback during IW. All content added to the new Connect during IW will be preserved and available at Real-Launch.
· Connect sites/pages on the current website will become READ ONLY on 20 January 2015 and remain visible to INCOSE members until the Real-Launch.
· Real-Launch of the new web presence (still at
www.incose.org) in mid-February 2015 after correcting anomalies noted at IW.
Other information you need to know as a consequence of the new INCOSE web presence:
· Your new UserID will be the
primary email address that appears in your current INCOSE profile and a password (you’ll get a temporary password via email and update that with one you create). Please go to
www.incose.org immediately and verify that INCOSE has your correct email address on file.
· INCOSE will no longer support the @incose.org addresses for all members. We have stopped issuing new ones and will only support the existing addresses through February 2015. If you employ your @incose.org address for business or personal use, please make arrangements to use another address.
Our new capability offers you updated, modern, professional, reliable services as well as provides INCOSE with new opportunities for making its value known to potential members and the public. We look forward to officially unveiling the capability to you at the International Workshop in Torrance, CA.