INCOSE and AAMI Response to President Obama to PCAST
Jul 22, 2014, 00:00 AM
David Long, INCOSE President and Mary Logan, President and CEO of AAMI have sent comments to President Obama
David Long, INCOSE President and Mary Logan, President and CEO of AAMI have sent comments to President Obama supporting the backbone of the report that systems engineering will improve healthcare delivery in the United States and offering the expertise and experience of both organizations.
INCOSE and AAMI Response to President Obama to PCAST (22 Jul 14)
David Long, INCOSE President and Mary Logan, President and CEO of AAMI have sent comments to President Obama supporting the backbone of the report that systems engineering will improve healthcare delivery in the United States and offering the expertise and experience of both organizations. Please see the entire
PCAST report here; and, the
INCOSE/AAMI response here.