May 21, 2014, 00:00 AM
INCOSE and Stevens Institute of Technology, the legal entity that manages the Systems Engineering Research Center (SERC)
INCOSE and Stevens Institute of Technology, the legal entity that manages the Systems Engineering Research Center (SERC), a Department of Defense sponsored University Affiliated Research Center, are pleased to announce a joint initiative through which SERC will gather data that supports the research objective of the Helix project – to understand the landscape of the systems engineering workforce. “We are honored to enter into this important leadership partnership with Stevens,” noted David Long, president of INCOSE. “We are convinced that what we all learn from the research done by the SERC through the Helix project will provide valuable insights as we continue to develop and disseminate the best practices of Systems Engineering. It is fitting that this partnership is confirmed on the cusp of INCOSE’s 25th Anniversary year, a good point from which to reflect and to look forward.” See the Press Release
All published results will reference aggregated data, with no traceability to individuals. Those wishing to opt out from having their certification application data included in this research should email
[email protected] with their full name and the date of their certification application.