Mar 21, 2013, 00:00 AM
Systems Engineers often reach a point in their careers where the next step is a leadership role.
Beginning Tuesday, April 2th 2013 and running through April 30th, 2013.
Systems Engineers often reach a point in their careers where the next step is a leadership role. Nothing in their formal training has been specifically pointed toward the skills that a leader uses. Their knowledge base of leadership techniques has most often come from a compilation of observations of other leaders with whom they have come in contact over the years. Frequently they have regarded this as the “soft” side of their world. Sometimes they have fallen into the trap of thinking that these “soft” skills are intuitively grasped by good leaders and cannot (need not?) be taught or acquired in any systematic way. Even a brief exposure to leadership responsibility reveals the fallacy of this kind of thinking and the need for the intentional treatment of basic leadership skills. In response to this need INCOSE is offering this course in some of the very basic skills and techniques that make up the leader’s fundamental repertoire.
This entire course will cover four topic areas critical to leadership (Communication, Conflict Management, Decision Making and Leadership Topics) and will continue over a year-long span. Beginning in Quarter #2 2013 (April) the course will offer 5 webinars in a particular area each quarter (April- 5 webinars on Communication; July- 5 webinars on Conflict Management etc.). The courses will be taught at Noon (Eastern) on Tuesdays and will span the first 5 Tuesdays of the quarter (e.g.- April 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30). A specific schedule will be posted on the INCOSE website prior to the beginning of each quarter.
Beginning Tuesday, April 2th 2013 and running through April 30th, 2013, the first topic (Communication) will be taught. This installment consists of 5 weekly 60-minute sessions focused on communications skills and will run from noon to 1:00 p.m., Eastern Time USA, for up to 300 INCOSE participants. This will include time for questions and answers. Registration is not required, and there is no cost to participate, just join in. The web sites open 30 minutes before the start time and each session includes an additional 30 minutes after for Q&A. The schedule is subject to change, so check the sites each morning before class to obtain the latest schedule.
This set of courses will by no means attempt to be a comprehensive leadership course. The topics presented will be designed to ground the participant in some basic skills, make them aware of common issues and pitfalls and refer them to more complete resources for further development. It is our attempt to open the door to a greater interest in and study of leadership among the members of the SE community.
The Instructor
Zane Scott has practiced and studied leadership for nearly 50 years. He began as a Boy Scout earning the rank of Eagle Scout. While in high school he was a delegate to the American Legion Boys State where he was selected as one of Virginia’s two representatives to Boys Nation. He continued his leadership in college at Virginia Tech where he was a student government leader named to Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities and inducted into the Va. Tech Circle of Omicron Delta Kappa, the International Leadership Honorary.
As a young professional Zane participated in the leadership of numerous civic and church organizations. He worked for a time for the United Methodist Church’s General Board of Discipleship as the Director of Congregational Leadership Development. Zane is a member of the faculty of the Servant Leader Academy and served on its design team.
Zane is trained as a hostage/crisis negotiator, labor management facilitator and large and small group interventional mediator. Throughout his career he has taught leadership skills especially around conflict management and communication. He remains a frequent speaker and teacher on these subjects.
Zane is presently the Vice President of Professional Services for Vitech Corporation where he heads the Professional Services Team. The Team is responsible for the design and delivery of systems engineering services and training in the area of model-based systems engineering.
Attending the Course
Course materials include the tutorial slides and audio and video recordings for later downloading in case you miss a session.
INCOSE members. You can access the course by using your personal INCOSE Connect username and password to access the Connect tutorial site and course materials atLeadership Skills for SEs Tutorial or
If you do not know your personal Connect password, reset your password at
- INCOSE Corporate Advisory Board (CAB) member organization current employees. As a current employee of a CAB organization, you can access the courseatLeadership Skills for SEs Tutorial or If your organization has set up a page on their intranet with information about INCOSE, you should find access information for the tutorial there. If not, please contact your CAB representative listedat ask them to provide the access information.
- NGC Current Employees.As a current employee of NGC, you can access the course via the NGCLync site and either use your headset or tell Lync to call your phone. Log-in to Lync early to check your access. For help with Lync, please refer to the resources available at Lync 2010 (Internal) which contains several user guides.If Lync is not accessible, either download the slides from theShareCenter site and call the telecon number listed there, or use theINCOSELeadership Skills for SEs Tutorial site. If access to theShareCenter siteisdenied,contact[email protected] early if access permission is needed. Because this is an external training event, NGC employees must follow export policy and procedures in order to attend. No U.S. DoD projects can be discussed.
Use of INCOSE telecon numbers is available, however, please mute/unmute your phone using *6! For INCOSE, only US & Canada Toll and International Local telecon numbers are available due to the high costs incurred previously in providing tutorials. The INCOSE telecon numbers and pass code are available atthe above INCOSELeadership Skills for SEs Tutorial site.