Apr 25, 2009, 00:00 AM
If you, or someone you know, qualify to serve as INCOSE president-elect please notify the Nominations & Elections Committee. Read here for qualifications.
From: the Nominations & Elections Committee
In 2009, we have the duty to identify and then select the next President of INCOSE. The BOD has delegated the responsibility for collecting nominations and identifying candidates to the Nominations and Elections Committee. We ask you, the members to identify INCOSE Members for this election. You may nominate yourself.
Please send the name of your proposed candidate to the Chair of the Nominations & Elections Committee: Virginia (Ginny) Lentz (
[email protected]) before Saturday 15 May 2009. If you have questions you may contact any of the following members of the Nominations and Elections Committee:
Information on the Position of President Electà President
The person you nominate may be elected to the Office of President-Elect (1020 and 2011) and will be President in 2012 and 2013. The President Elect is the Chief Operating Officer of INCOSE. The President is the CEO and spokesperson for INCOSE. The President Elect provides leadership and strategic direction for the organization. The President should be a recognized spokesperson for the advancement of systems engineering and possess proven leadership experience in industry, government, and/or academia. Demonstrated dedication to INCOSE’s mission, values, and organizational growth is an essential requirement for candidacy. Ideally, the candidate will hold a professional position involving frequent interaction with decision-makers in the industries dependent on systems engineering. Additional position description information is available in the member’s area on the INCOSE web site:
https://connect.incose.org/govern/Policies/Position%20Descriptions/ This is the first of two call for Nominations, The second for the remaining positions up for electionin 2009 will be released in early summer.