Mar 10, 2009, 00:00 AM
The INCOSE foundation is pleased to announce the extended deadline of one of the Foundation awards for this year. Please convey this information to any interested graduate students in your institution who may be interested in applying for this award.
INCOSE Foundation and Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory Seek Applicants for a New Scholarship Award and Paid Internship - Extended Deadline
The INCOSE Foundation, in partnership with the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL), is soliciting applications for the first Alexander Kossiakoff Systems Engineering Scholarship. The scholarship carries an award of $5,000, a plaque, and recognition at the annual INCOSE International Symposium. The awardee will also be offered a paid summer internship at JHU/APL working on relevant systems engineering problems.
The applicants must be U.S. citizens and admitted students in a Masters or Doctoral Program in Systems Engineering at an accredited university. Applications are to include the following documentation: a complete resume/vitae, a brief bio-sketch, description of the study/research areas of interest (at least 3-4 pages), two faculty references, and a discussion of the contribution and expected outcomes that will benefit applications of interest to the Laboratory (1-2 pages). See for possible applications of interest. The research should also contribute to the publication of a paper in a systems engineering journal or conference. Any questions about the documentation criteria should be addressed to Dr. Sam Seymour at JHU/APL. Phone number: (240) 228-5711; email:
[email protected].
The complete application package must be received by 22 May 2009. Electronic applications should be submitted to Dr. William Ewald, Chief Executive Officer of the INCOSE Foundation, at
[email protected].