Sep 23, 2006, 00:00 AM
The Fellows Selection Committee will be pleased to accept nominations for new INCOSE Fellows submitted by INCOSE members.
INCOSE Fellows are individuals with significant verifiable contributions to the art and practice of Systems Engineering in industry, government or academia. This award recognizes practitioners from government and industry applying knowledge and contributing to the practice of systems engineering in designing and acquiring systems, researchers developing new knowledge and advancing theory, and teachers disseminating knowledge and developing the next generation of successful systems engineers.
INCOSE Fellows are expected contribute to the goals of the Fellows as a body, and attend Fellows meetings at the annual International Symposium and at the annual International Workshop.
Nomination packages will be accepted until 1 December 2006. Final discussions by the INCOSE Fellows Selection Committee will be held at the 2006 INCOSE International Workshop scheduled for January 2007. The committee will submit a list of recommended new Fellows to the INCOSE Board for their consideration and approval at or before their Spring 2007 meeting. New Fellows will be announced at the 2007 International Symposium.
The current selection committee consists of Barry Boehm, Dennis Buede, George Friedman, Ralf Hartmann, Bill Mackey, Jack Ring, Donna Rhodes, Andy Sage, Stan Weiss, and Dinesh Verma.
A more detailed Call for Nominations is posted on the INCOSE web site at
The web site also contains the list of all Fellows, the bylaws of the Fellows Selection Committee, the detailed procedures for nominating an INCOSE Fellow, and a pointer to the Letters of Support that must be submitted as part of the nomination.
Nominators are asked to send Fellows Nomination Packages and Letters of Support to:
Shirley Bishop
Secretary to the INCOSE Fellows Committee
2150 N. 107th St. #205
Seattle WA 98133-9009 USA