Aug 22, 2006, 00:00 AM
The proceedings of the many INCOSE symposia and conference hold a wealth of knowledge and comprise a key resource for the systems community. i-Pub, INCOSE's online publications database, provides online access to this resource. You can now search for a paper using the author’s name, a keyword in the title or abstract, or the year. All you need is your INCOSE Connect account — your passport to INCOSE’s many online member resources. Log in today and start enjoying the many benefits that i-Pub delivers.
Future upgrades will include searching on thematic keywords and enabling links to referenced papers. We are also planning to add papers from INCOSE symposia prior to 2001 (only abstracts are available today); regional INCOSE conferences, such as EuSEC, MARC, HRA, and UK; and other chapter events. Obtaining intellectual property releases from authors for past conferences has been difficult, but as releases are obtained, we will add the papers to i-Pub and include an announcement on the website or in INCOSE eNote.
Processes for this papers database are governed by INCOSE Policy TEC-105, approved in March 2006. As part of this new policy, we ask that all conference organizers use the current Event Author IP Release forms so that we obtain author approval to use and re-publish their works.
i-Pub is a joint initiative by the Member Board, Technical Leadership Team, and Communications Committee. In particular, Erik Herzog, Asmus Pandikow, and Dick Wray have worked hard to bring this new resource online. We thank them for their contributions and hope you enjoy this new member benefit.