Jan 12, 2006, 00:00 AM
INCOSE has formulated two policy statements that express its positions on Systems Engineering education and on Systems Engineering research. Representing systems engineering professionals from industry, government, and academia, INCOSE recognizes the diversity of types of systems engineering that are practiced worldwide and the diversity of approaches to educate and train system engineers. INCOSE is also a learned society and as such it cares about the education and training of new entrants in the profession, about the continuing education of the professionals it represents, and about research conducted in the field.
Statement on Systems Engineering Education
INCOSE believes strongly that:
- a “systems perspective” and the fundamental principles of Systems Engineering have an important role in the education of all engineers regardless of their specialty. This will strengthen the general recognition that most of today’s engineering tasks are performed in multi-disciplinary teams, and
- degree granting programs in Systems Engineering must be encouraged and supported.
INCOSE believes that the choice of the best suited approach to Systems Engineering education rests with the academic institutions. The latter, in dialogue with industry and other systems engineering employers are best suited to determine what programs meet the needs of their constituency. INCOSE strives to provide a forum for the faculties and students of these programs. Nurturing young systems engineering graduates and providing a professional home for them is an essential objective of our professional society.
INCOSE’s policy statement:
INCOSE, in recognition of the need for academic education in Systems Engineering, advocates that academic institutions offer more engineering degree programs with strong components in Systems Engineering, and supports academic institutions that have chosen to offer programs that lead to degrees in Systems Engineering.
Statement on Systems Engineering Research
Systems Engineering is an integrative discipline which, like other engineering specialties, needs vibrant research. This should:
- enhance the field’s body of knowledge on which the professional practice in Systems Engineering is based, and
- incorporate the technological advances in the traditional engineering disciplines that affect Systems Engineering.
INCOSE recognizes, that the theoretical basis for the relatively young discipline of Systems Engineering, when compared to traditional engineering disciplines, is relatively less well established and should be strengthened. INCOSE will hence strongly support doctoral and post doctoral research and encourage national and international networks to this effect.
INCOSE’s policy statements:
Statement on Research Programs
INCOSE advocates the articulation of research programs in basic and applied research in Systems Engineering and is committed to support the formulation of such programs through workshops, conferences and publications.
Statement on Fostering Basic Research
INCOSE supports strongly doctoral level research in Systems Engineering and is committed to acting as a catalyst in the formation of an international collaborating R&D community.